同位语+非限制性定语从句 英文推荐信常用句子结构

学英语的朋友都知道 , 同位语和非限制性定语从句的作用类似,对名词进行解释说明 , 那么在写作的过程中这两个语法是必用的了,怎么用呢?
比如说我们写推荐信,这在高考作文和考研英语小作文中都会考的 。
The first one I strongly recommend is Jiawu mountains, a fascinating place for recreation, where many people often go climbing in summer and you can see sea of clouds. Moreover, it is free of charge.

同位语+非限制性定语从句 英文推荐信常用句子结构

定语从句 同位语 非限制性定语从句
The first one I strongly recommend is Jiawu mountains, a fascinating place for recreation, where many people often go climbing in summer and you can see sea of clouds. Moreover, it is free of charge.
在此句中的定语从句和非限制性定语从句对嘉午台山进行了解释说明——是一个休闲娱乐的好去处,夏天许多人都会去,并且在嘉午台可以看到云海 。按照这个句型,我们进行仿写:
同位语+非限制性定语从句 英文推荐信常用句子结构

The first one I strongly recommend is the Palace Museum, the world’s largest ancient palace complex, which showcases a huge collection of arts and antiquities and offers a quick glimpse into China’s extensive history and sophisticated culture.
【同位语+非限制性定语从句 英文推荐信常用句子结构】我最推荐去的第一个地方是故宫——世界上最大的古代宫殿建筑群 , 故宫陈列着琳琅满目的艺术作品和古玩珍奇,可以让人们快速了解中国悠久的历史和博大精深的文化 。
