
1、在艰难的日子里我会更爱你一点,在寂静的日子里我会更想念你一点 。
【一句爱情物语,一份懂得,一份眷恋】I will love you a little harder on rough days,and i will miss you a little oluder on silent days.
2、你是我不能失去的一部分 。
You are that part of me that i can't bear to lose.
3、爱是一场旅行 , 而你是我的终点 。
Love is a journey,and you are my destination.


4、无论何时我说我不需要你 。请理解当时我最需要你,所以不要丢下我一个人 。我只想坐在你身边,和你聊聊我的生活 。
Whenever i said i don't need you.please understand at that time i need you the most ,so don't leave me alone.
5、我们是两个不完美的人,从不放弃对方 。
We are two imperfect people who never give upon each other.
6、你一直呆在我心里 , 我该开始收费你就走了 。
You stay inside my heart all the time,i should start charging you went.

7、请照顾好自己,你对我来说非常重要 。
Please take care of yourself,you are incredibly important to me.
8、有时候当你握住我的手,我一半的烦恼都消失了 。
Sometimes when you held my hands,half of my problems disappear.
9、总有一天,我们会爱上一个没有复杂 , 没有戏剧的人,只是单纯的爱 。
One day we will fall in love with someone with no complications,no drama just pure love.


10、和你在一起的时候,我感觉时间都停止了 。总有一天 , 我们会爱上一个没有复杂,没有戏剧的人,只是单纯的爱 。
I just feel like stopping the time when i am with you.
11、爱情永远不可能是完美的,所以找一个永远不会放弃你和你的爱的人 。
Love can never be perfect,so find someone who never gives up on you and your love.
12、独自一人对我来说从来没有那么难,但现在 , 在遇见你之后,这一切都变了 。
Being alone was never so hard for me,but this has changed now,just after meeting you.

13、我在和自己作战 。我需要一个能让我赢得这场战斗而又不会在悲伤的黑暗中失去灵魂的人 。
I am at war with myself.i need someone who can make me win this battle without losing my soul in the darkness of my sadness.
14、当我在无人陪伴的时候,是你让我开怀大笑 。我逗你笑,因为我喜欢你红润的脸颊和闪亮的小眼睛 。我能看到你眼中的泪水永远记住这一点 。
It's you who made me laugh when i was wailing by no one on my side.i make you laugh because i like your cheeks flushed with red colour and your shiny little eyes.i can see tears in your eyes always remember that.
