


God of Deception Episode 1

The story happened in a fictional city. After the humanity has run out of the energy resources 12 new huge cities have been founded. All these cities have a system that is capable of evaluating its citizens' deeds. A high school student Wu Minglu since he lies too much is cast into the rank of the bad guys. As a result the system tries to get rid of the irregularity and kill Wu Minglu sending The Punishers of Karma to kill him. However Wu Minglu is saved by an unknown person who claims to know how to save him. Will Wu Minglu survive the ordeal?
世界能源枯竭后 , 人们新建了巨型城市——绯斯市 。 绯斯市的中学生乌明路因撒谎次数过多被城市“系统”判定为恶人 , 并遭到邪恶物种“业障”的攻击 。 绯斯市派出谎言监察者怜恩来帮助乌明路“矫正”恶习 。 然而两人相遇后被卷入层层漩涡 , 那些不为人知的秘密也在缓缓揭开 。

La Hi
What I dont like about chinese Anime and dramas is that they are OA. Its like they are abnormal. When you are watching korean japanese etc they are not OA.
为什么不喜欢中国动画 , 电视剧 。 因为表演得过分夸张 。 你看看韩国和日本 , 他们表现得并不做作 。
Kim Justin Montefalc
What chinese anime are good compared to Japanese anime? Op main character.
与日本动漫相比 , 中国的动漫有什么优点?男主无敌 。
Keavano Harris
For some reason I just cant enjoy chinese anime because the voice acting.
因为配音问题 , 欣赏不了中国动漫 。
OhMyGlob SoCliche189
You get used to it. My first donghua was Mo Dao Zu Shi and by the time I had finished season two I was used to it. My only issue now is having my eyes glued to the subs or else I will have no idea what they're saying. In Japanese anime I can glance away from subs and will be able to tell the main gist of what the characters are vaguely saying without them. I do miss that.
你会习惯的 。 我第一部动画是《魔道祖师》 , 看完第二部时 , 我已经习惯了 。 现在唯一的问题是眼睛要一直盯着字幕 , 否则我就不知道他们在说什么 。 看日本动漫 , 我不用一直盯着字幕 , 就能理解人物说的大致意思 。 很怀念 。
Me too! And the thing is I can understand Chinese. So makes it worse!
我也是!问题是我懂中文 。 体验更糟了!
@GrowInTheDark Nah fam it makes it way better there are actually quite a few jokes that can't be/ weren't translated. Unless you \"understand\" Chinese lol.
不 , 你能听懂更好 , 有很多笑话是无法翻译的 。 除非你真的“懂”中文!哈哈 。
Sakuastu life
My eys are gonna hurt because of the dub :')
盯着字幕眼睛会很痛 。
Isn't that also how you reacted when you watch JP dubbed anime for the first time? For me it's the same with first time anime when watching Ragnarok animation with original JP dub.
第一次看日语配音动画时 , 你的反应不也这样吗?对我来说 , 它跟第一次看日本动漫没什么区别 。
@NookDeSus Facts!That's the truth!
mga bata
I think its weird to hear the chinese dubb.
中文配音感觉怪怪的 。
Imsah Laz
It's the original audio.
原始音频就是这样的 。
What happen if japanese language sub This would be great.
如果用日语配音会怎样 。
可能会变好吧 。
John Kenneth Balmaceda
You know i like the animation of chinese anime but i don't like the audio of the dub. It just doesn't feel right. I don't know why. The direction is so odd also. So far the only chinese animes that i really like are The King's Avatar and Mo Dao Zu Shi.
