介绍同义词( 二 )

be under a lot of stress
take\stand the stress 忍受压力
put stress on sth. 强调
21. 两“弥补”
make up for
compensate for
22. 五个“在…看来”
in one’s opinion,
to one’s mind
in one’s view
in one’s eye
according to sb 。
23. 三“丢”
be lost
be missing
be gone
24. 八“著名”
be famous for sth 。
be famous to sb 。
be famous as + 职位
be famous to sb. as+ 职位
be known for sth 。
be known to sb 。
be known as+ 职位
be known to sb. as+ 职位
25. 四“满意”
be satisfied with
be pleased with
be happy with
be delighted with



26. 四“为……而高兴”
be pleased for sb
be happy for sb 。
be glad for sb 。
be delighted for sth 。
27. 两“祝贺”
congratulate sb. on sth 。
congratulations to sb. on sth 。
28. 两“道歉”
apologize to sb. for sth 。
make an apology to sb. for sth 。
29. 三“玩得高兴”
have a good time
have fun (doing sth 。)
enjoy oneself
30. 九“决定”
decide to do sth 。
make a decision to do sth 。
determine to do sth 。
be determined to do sth 。
make a determination to do sth
resolve to do sth 。
make a resolution to do sth 。
make up one’s mind to do sth 。
set one’s mind to do sth 。
