方舟生存进化畸变生物图文介绍 方舟生存进化畸变生物有哪些 异形袭掠龙( 三 )

But most dangerous of all? Its active camouflage, which lets it fade into the shadows and stalk its prey undetected.
但是岩龙最大的危险是什么?它的机动伪装,这能够让它在暗影中“消失”并且利用这招追击猎物 。
It has even adapted to the Nameless and The Reapers. Draconis' feathers will raise in warning when they are near, and this massive elegant lizard seems to be the Reaper's only natural enemy.
这招甚至对无名怪和袭掠龙都照样奏效 。当岩龙出现在附近时,它会展开羽毛并发出警告,以及这条巨大而优雅的蜥蜴可能是袭掠龙的唯一天敌 。


方舟生存进化畸变生物图文介绍 方舟生存进化畸变生物有哪些 异形袭掠龙

敏捷巨螯蟹(Karkinos versatus),原型应当是现存的大名鼎鼎的甘氏巨螯蟹(Macrocheira kaempferi,所谓的日本杀人蟹),Karkinos是巨蟹座的拉丁化,versatus的意思有两种,1,转动(Turned),2,敏捷的,熟练的 。这里应该意指它的敏捷性 。
Karkinos Versatus is the giant cousin of modern crab species, with long, spindly limbs that remind me of the Japanese Spider Crab and a hard, stony shell. It is much more agile than its smaller brethren, but even more noticeable are its pincer claws.
敏捷巨螯蟹(Karkinos versatus)是现代螃蟹种类的巨大表亲,长着修长的四肢,让人想起了甘氏巨螯蟹(Macrocheira kaempferi)和外壳坚硬的砗磲(Tridacna gigas) 。敏捷巨螯蟹比它的小亲戚们更加敏捷,但更引人瞩目的是它的巨钳 。
In an extraordinary display of dexterity, Karkinos is able to wield each claw independently and precisely. This allows it to trap multiple targets in its vice like grip, or hold an enemy in one claw while it smashes a second foe with the other.
在一次非凡的敏捷度展示中,巨螯蟹能够独立地使用每一个利爪 。这使它可以以此钳制多个目标,或者在它一只螯钳住一个敌人的时候用另一只螯粉碎另一个敌人 。
Many survivors have found Karkinos to be an excellent war steed, as it can snatch enemy riders from their mounts, or grab and throw smaller creatures. However, its ability to leap to great heights and its swiftness relative to its size also make it useful in caravans.
许多幸存者们发现巨螯蟹是个优秀的战宠,它可以从敌人的坐骑上抢夺它们的骑手,或者抓住更小的动物 。然而,它还有极强的跳高能力,相对其尺寸,它的速度也使它在一个车队中变得有用起来 。

方舟生存进化畸变生物图文介绍 方舟生存进化畸变生物有哪些 异形袭掠龙

恼人追寻者(Chimaeram odiosus),Seeker意为追寻者,odiosus, 意思是恼人的 (annoying),至于Chimaeram是指一种叫奇美拉的玩意 。顺带一嘴,这玩意召唤代码中有个别名叫Pteroteuthis, 是无齿翼龙Pteranodon和托斯特巨鱿Tusoteuthis的合成词,意思大致是鱿鱼头翼龙.
A highly hostile predator with a pack mentality, Chimaeram Odiosus has a voracious appetite, and will quickly swarm anything that possesses its favorite delicacy: Charge.
胃口贪婪的恼人追寻者(Chimaeram Odiosus)是一种高度敌对的群居掠食者,并且它们会迅速聚集到任何拥有它们最喜欢的食物——电荷的地方 。
Fact, Charge light seems to be crucial to its survival. When in its presence, they are strong and aggressive, but without it, they are weaker and quicker to flee.
事实上,电荷光似乎对其生存至关重要 。当它出现时,它们强大而好战,但是没有电荷的时候,它们会越来越虚弱,溜得也更快 。
Though distinct from any known species, Chimaeram's appearance is a hideous pastiche of bats and cephalopods, and as an unbiased professional, I have to say: I really hate these bloody things. Honestly.
