Tired的比较级和最高级怎么写 用英语怎么写单词

形容词“tired”的原级、比较级和最高级形式分别是tired、moretired和mosttired 。通过学习和练习,我们可以掌握这些形式的正确用法,从而更准确地表达我们的意思 。希望本文能帮助大家更好地理解和运用形容词的比较级和最高级 。
在英语中,形容词和副词有比较级和最高级形式 , 用于表示事物的不同程度 。当我们想要表达“更……”、“最……”时 , 就需要使用这些形式 。
本文将详细介绍如何围绕形容词“tired”(疲劳的)来构造其比较级和最高级形式 。

Tired的比较级和最高级怎么写 用英语怎么写单词

1. 原级(Positive Degree):tired
2. 比较级(Comparative Degree):more tired
3. 最高级(Superlative Degree):most tired
接下来 , 我们将通过一些例句来展示这些形式的用法:
【Tired的比较级和最高级怎么写 用英语怎么写单词】1. 原级(Positive Degree)
- I am tired after a long day at work.(工作了一整天后,我感到疲劳 。)
- She looks tired today.(她今天看起来很累 。)
- The children are tired and want to go to bed.(孩子们累了,想睡觉 。)
2. 比较级(Comparative Degree)
- I am more tired than I was yesterday.(我今天比昨天更累 。)
- She is more tired than her sister.(她比她妹妹更累 。)
- The first movie was better, but the second one was more tiring.(第一部电影更好看,但第二部更累人 。)
3. 最高级(Superlative Degree)
- I am the most tired after working all night.(整夜工作后,我是最累的 。)
- She is the most tired among all the volunteers.(在所有志愿者中,她是最累的 。)
- This is the most tiring hike I have ever done.(这是我做过的最累人的徒步旅行 。)
现在 , 让我们来看一些关于如何使用这些形式的练习题:

Tired的比较级和最高级怎么写 用英语怎么写单词

1. 请用原级、比较级和最高级形式填空
- My dog is _________ after playing in the park all morning. (play)
- Sarah is _________ than Tom because she has been studying for the exam for two weeks. (study)
- Of all the books I've read this year, this one is _________ interesting (boring).
答案:My dog is tired after playing in the park all morning. (play)
Sarah is more tired than Tom because she has been studying for the exam for two weeks. (study)
Of all the books I've read this year, this one is the most boring. (boring)
2. 请用适当的比较级或最高级形式完成句子
- I am _________ today than I was yesterday. (sleep)
- This is _________ book I've ever read. (interesting)
- He is _________ of all the players on the team. (good)
答案:I am more sleepy today than I was yesterday. (sleep)
This is the most interesting book I've ever read. (interesting)
He is the best of all the players on the team. (good)
3. 请用适当的比较级或最高级形式改写句子
- The blue shirt is more expensive than the red shirt. (expensive)
- This restaurant is not as good as the one we went to last week. (good)
- She is taller than her brother. (tall)
答案:The blue shirt is more expensive than the red shirt. (expensive)
This restaurant is not as good as the one we went to last week. (good)
She is taller than her brother. (tall)

Tired的比较级和最高级怎么写 用英语怎么写单词

总之 , 形容词“tired”的原级、比较级和最高级形式分别是tired、more tired和most tired 。
通过学习和练习,我们可以掌握这些形式的正确用法,从而更准确地表达我们的意思 。希望本文能帮助大家更好地理解和运用形容词的比较级和最高级 。
