克服困难的英语作文——CET-4提纲作文:How I Overcome My Difficulties in Learning English

How I Overcome My Difficulties in Learning English

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the following questions. You should write at least 120 words.

克服困难的英语作文——CET-4提纲作文:How I Overcome My Difficulties in Learning English

How I Overcome My Difficulties in Learning English
With the opening toward the outside world, English becomes more and more important today. A large number of① people are working hard in order to grasp this language. However, learning English well is not a very easy task . As for② me, I myself met a lot of difficulties in learning it. But I managed to overcome these difficulties and made great progress.
The first difficulty I met is the vocabulary. In order to enlarge③ my vocabulary, I found a lot of simplified④ novels to read. Wherever I met new words in the novel, I looked them up in the dictionary. Day after day, I finished reading about twenty novels and my vocabulary increased a lot.
The second difficulty I met is listening. Under the guidance⑤ of my English teacher, I recorded many English tapes. And I made full use of my spare time to listen to these tapes. I also listened to the English radios and watched the English programmes on TV. After almost one year’s practice ,  my listening ability got on a higher step.
From my own experience I can get such a conclusion, that is, where there is a will, there is a way.

①a large number of:许多;很多
②as for:对于;关于

本文是一篇根据汉语提纲展开的说明文 。这种题型的作文在大学英语四级考试中出现的频率最高 。
全文围绕“英语学习中的困难”这个中心展开 。
在第一段,作者首先简要地说明了学习英语的重要性 。接着,用However把笔锋一转,指出学习英语不是一件容易的事 。再用As for me进行顺利过渡,指出自己在学习中也碰到了很多困难,但都克服了并且取得了进步 。
在第二段和第三段,作者分别用The first difficulty和The second difficulty将自己在英语学习中碰到的两大困难道出 , 并进而详细地说明了自己是如何攻克词汇和听力这两大难关的 。
最后一段是一个简明的总结,既总结了全文,又导出了中心论点 。
参考文献:英语作文高分必背丛书:大学英语四级写作/李华田主编,武汉大学出版社 , 2005
克服困难的英语作文——CET-4提纲作文:How I Overcome My Difficulties in Learning English

【克服困难的英语作文——CET-4提纲作文:How I Overcome My Difficulties in Learning English】
