

1. excepting,表示“除了”,后只接名词或代词;而except后可接名词、代词、不定式、介词短语等;
He answered all the questions excepting the last one.
除了最后一个问题之外,他回答了所有的问题 。
The sanctions ban the sale of any products excepting medical supplies and food.
国际制裁禁止销售医药用品和食物以外的任何产品 。
They were all saved excepting John.
除约翰外,他们全获救了 。
2. excepting可位于句首,也可以位于其他位置;而except一般不位于句首 。
Excepting his son, all the family are all right.
除了他的儿子之外,全家人都平安无事 。
Excepting Christmas we did not have one really pleasant holiday.
除圣诞节外 , 我们没有过过一个真正愉快的节日 。
All except(ing ) the captain were rescued.
除了船长之外,大家都被救了出来 。
3. excepting可与not, without, always连用,而except绝无此种用法 。
All the students are late, not excepting Luther.
所有学生都迟到了 , 卢瑟也不例外 。
All my brothers are married, not excepting the youngest.
我所有的兄弟都结婚了,连最小的弟弟也不例外 。

Everyone, not excepting myself has the responsibility.
每人都应负责(包括我自己) 。
Everyone helped, not excepting John.
每个人都帮忙了,约翰也不例外 。
All my brothers come here every day, always excepting the youngest.
我所有的兄弟每天都来这儿,但我最小的弟弟却总是例外 。

