
英文面试常用的口语涉及到礼貌性问候、基本信息、个人经历等内容 , 比如提及专业时 , 可以说My major is... , 提及毕业院校时,可以说I graduated from... (University) 。
面试时,要注意眼神交流、语言简练、肢体语言积极坚定、不要情绪化或者表现得过于紧张 。
??Can you give us a brief introduction of yourself?(面试官)
??I have come at your invitation for an interview.
??我是应约来面试的 。
??I'm Steve, I come from New York.
??我叫史蒂夫,来自纽约 。
??I was born on August 1st, 1989.
??我出生于1989年8月1日 。
??My major is English.
??我主修英语专业 。
??I graduated from Columbia with a degree in law.
??我毕业于哥伦比亚大学法律系 。
??Can you talk about your weaknesses and strengths?
??Can you tell us the biggest advantage of yourself?
??What's your biggest weakness?
??I have the ability to stay focused in stressful situations.
??我不怕困难 。
??I can learn and grow in my field.
??我学习能力强 , 又成长快 。
??I can be counted on when the going gets tough.
??共度难关 , 我是值得信赖的 。


??My strength is my flexibility to handle change.
??我的优点就是能够灵活应对突发事件 。
??One of my biggest strengths is my communication skills.
??我最大的优点就是沟通技巧 。
??Sometimes I'm reserved and enjoy staying and thinking all by myself. I think this may be my weakness.
??有时候我沉默寡言,喜欢独处和思考 。我觉得这可能是我的缺点 。
??I finished school two years ago and immediately joined Midea Group.
??两年前我毕业了就立即加入了美的集团 。
??I have 10 years' experience in all aspects of education and training.
??我在教育培训领域有10年的工作经验 。
??I have worked in Apple Incorporated for two years.
??我在苹果公司工作了两年 。
??Can you tell me what that salary band is?
??Money isn't the only thing that is important to me.
??薪水对我来说并不是唯一重要的事 。
【英语面试常用口语】??Regarding salary, I leave that to you but I hope that I can earn at least 2000 dollars per month.
