

GLOBAL - Two organisms that can cause serious respiratory diseases in pigs are the bacteria Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia. Vaccination is used to help farmers prevent infections but due to complexities, vaccination procedures may need to be reviewed or improved.M. hyopneumoniae is in fact endemic in most pig herds around the world. The organism is often transmitted through the movement of infected pigs or by windborne infection.As it is usually a subclinical disease, it can often go unnoticed until it is too late. The programme gives pig farmers and veterinarians the ability to assess the quality of the respiratory disease management currently in place at the farm and to guide the implementation of actions to reach better respiratory health.

猪体内有两个能引起严重呼吸道疾病的病菌 , 分辞是猪肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma)细菌和胸膜肺炎放线杆菌(Actinobacillus) 。接种疫苗帮助猪农防止感染 , 但是过程重杂 , 疫苗接种程序也许需要评估和改进 。猪肺炎支原体实际上在全世界大多数猪群流行 。病菌时常通过感染猪的相互接触和风传播 。这是一种亚临床疾病,时常症状不显然,发病后为时已晚 。推出的新准备让猪农和兽医适时地评估当前农场呼吸道疾病管理项目质量,通过实际指导达到更好的呼吸道健康标准 。
