

"CHIM. Those who know it can reshape the land. Witness the home of the Red King Once Jungled." — Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes, Book Three
CHIM , 是一种已知能改变这片大陆的力量 。见证了红色之王(Red King)故土曾经的荒芜 。——沙克斯秘典评注,卷三 。
CHIM (/k?m/ kim) has been described as the secret syllable of royalty.Many writings have made vague references to it throughout history, but despite its importance, theres a dearth of information. It is best understood as a state of being which allows for escape from all known laws and limitations. It is the process of reaching some sort of epiphany about the nature of the universe and ones place in it, leading to a simultaneous comprehension of the full scope of existence as well as ones own inpiduality. CHIM is capitalized because it is from the Ehlnofex language, the language of the Ehlnofey who are believed to have been the progenitors of the modern races. It is an ancient sigil connoting royalty, starlight, and high splendor.
CHIM可以被称作是成就王权的辛密 。纵观历史,许多作者都已经模糊的把它引为参考,却由于信息的缺乏而无视它的重要价值 。它的最佳解释是是一种超脱一切已知规律和限制的存在状态 。这是某种参悟了宇宙本质而后将其取为己用的过程,同时导致了对自我之存在也是本体的理解 。“CHIM”因为出自艾尔诺菲语,所以是大写的,其语种被认为是现代语言的先祖 。这古老的咒语意味着“王权”、“星光”和“无上显赫” 。
Mankar Camorans Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes, Book Three, begins with "CHIM" in the Daedric alphabet and deals extensively with the topic. It begins with "The Tower touches all the mantles of Heaven and by its apex one can be as he will. More: be as he was and yet changed for all else on that path for those that walk after. This is the secret of how mortals become makers, and makers back to mortals." (Though "the secret of how mortals become makers, and makers back to mortals" is a phrase more indicative of the related concept of Amaranth.) So one who knows CHIM is said to reside atop (or within) the Tower (i.e., Mundus) and possesses incomprehensible power to alter reality. By knowing CHIM, one experiences an ineffable sense of the godhead, which is what allows for escape from all known restrictions.

根据曼卡尔评注的沙克斯秘典,卷三,“CHIM”开始出现于魔族字母表中,并被广泛用于某主题中 。开始是:“助以触碰到天堂的每一个角落的途径,若达到极致,那么便可随心所欲 。此外:通过执着于其曾经的自我却可以改变今后的每一条道路 。此为凡人化为上帝 , 上帝又变为凡人的秘密 。”(短语“此为凡人化为上帝,上帝又变为凡人的秘密”更多的表明了与永生观念(concept of Amaranth)的联系 。)所以领悟了CHIM的真谛的人,据说会居住于塔(顶/内部)(也就是凡间)(Ps:“Mundus”在老滚精灵语中是奈恩/凡间的意思 。)通过理解CHIM,可以经历到一股不可言喻的无限力量去改变世界,可以超脱任何已知法则 。
The Walking Ways are six interrelated paths to achieving pinity, or "mantling", of which CHIM is the fifth. All paths seem to require some understanding of the Wheel, the structure of the Aurbis. According to Vivec, the first to understand the concept was Lorkhan, whose curiosity and desire for change drove him to the rim of the Wheel and beyond, where he looked back at the Aurbis sideways and thereby learned the name of God: I (as a wheel, observed from the side, is an "I").Lorkhan then convinced the Aedra to join him in building Mundus, also called the Tower at the hub of the Wheel, in a venture to help others know CHIM and thereby escape all laws which constrained them. This attempt at CHIM failed, though why it failed has been the subject of intense disagreement and bloodshed from the dawn of creation to the present day. Some attribute the failure to a mistake, others to Lorkhans malice; the circumstances are unknown, but Vivec seemed to suspect that the so-called failure only occurred so that others might know how not to fail. Vivec, who wrote extensively on CHIM, described it as reaching heaven by violence. He apparently learned of it from Molag Bal.
登神之路(The Walking Ways)(Ps:参考N姐“成神之路”帖子)是六条相互关联,或是称为“披甲”(mantling)的成神途径,CHIM是第五条 。所有途径都需要对轮回,对奥比斯(Aurbis)(Ps:老滚神话中Aurbis是Anu和Padomay的居住地)结构的某种理解 。根据维维克,第一个理解这种观念的是洛克汗(Lorkhan),它好奇和改变的欲望驱使它来到了轮回的边缘,最终超越了轮回,在那里它回望奥比斯岛,因此习得了神的名字:我(I)(作为轮回本身,在一旁观察整个轮回,成就“我”) 。洛克汗之后说服圣灵们加入它创造也被称作轮回中心之塔的奈恩 , 这个冒险让其他圣灵意识到CHIM和法则的超脱 , 于是都趋之若鹜 。这次对CHIM的尝试失败了 , 原因是由于在创世之时发生了激烈的争执和杀戮 。一些世界的属性失败错误 , 圣灵们则对洛克汗心怀怨恨 。当时情况是未知的,维维克怀疑所谓的失败错误只是发生了,而圣灵们却知道如何不发生错误(Ps:根据先前lore,圣灵们发现创世或许会损伤自己甚至消亡 。)维维克,广泛写及CHIM之人,据说是暴力登天(reaching heaven by violence)而成为神 。他显然是学习了莫拉格·巴尔(Molag Bal) 。

Other examples of those who have attempted to know CHIM and succeeded are few, and many of those are disputed. Followers of the Nine Divines and some others believed Tiber Septim knew CHIM and became Talos, the Ninth Divine. Shortly after conquering Tamriel, he is believed to have said, "Let me show you the power of Talos, Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter. I breathe now in royalty and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you." This is apparently a reference to an otherwise unexplained climate change in Cyrodiil: before Septim conquered Summerset Isles and completed his conquest of Tamriel, Cyrodiil was described as mostly "endless jungle".But Third Era accounts of the province describe it as a land of temperate forests and plains, not jungles. This is believed by some to be evidence of the incredible power that can be wielded through a successful attempt to know CHIM.
其他尝试并成功达到CHIM的人非常少,而且还是有着争议的 。第九圣灵的信徒及其他一些人相信泰伯·赛普汀(Tiber Septim)领悟了CHIM的真谛,成为了塔洛斯(Talos),也就是第九圣灵 。在征服塔玛瑞尔的不久之后,他据说说:“让我示与汝塔洛斯、风暴王冠之力 , 其诞生于北,那里我的气息犹若漫漫之冬 。我现在存息于无上王权之中,改造属于我自己的大陆 。我所做皆是为你,皆是因为我爱你 , 红色军团(Red Legions) 。”这显然涉及到另外一个在塞洛迪尔发生的不可解释的气候变迁:在赛普汀战胜夏暮岛和塔玛瑞尔之前,塞洛迪尔大多被描述成“无尽的雨林” 。但第三季元的史料中却记载大陆是一片温带雨林和平原 。这据说是某人成功领悟CHIM后释放出强大能量的证据 。

重点:在此“科”普一下所谓“CHIM”所达到的哲学境界 , 达成CHIM , 即意识到世界不过是神之头的一场梦,但又强行保留自我的观念,突破“零和”,不至于消亡 。
意识到世界是虚无的,在佛家属于小乘佛教的最佳境界 , 大概是罗汉一类,是不是很像CHIM?不过在现实世界中领悟到此肉体并不会因此而消亡,所以领悟的境界得以更上好几层,而CHIM却只能停留在这一步,甚至还要低:CHIM认为“零和”,大概是指整个轮回 , 类似中国所说“道”是无,这个观念本身就是错误的,但还算说是接近,由于CHIMer又不愿意接受自我的消亡,导致了CHIMer只拥有了“道”的两种性质:改变和不灭 。而CHIMer的不灭又是不完全的,即肉体不灭而精神却并非 。而在现实中体悟了最高境界的佛道两家恰恰认为达到精神不灭是最为重要的,只达到肉体不灭的“人”,好一点就是彭祖啥的 , 坏一点就是成大魔王,再不然就是一心求死 。没有达到精神不灭的标志恰恰就是还存有欲望,有欲望就有偏私,有偏私就有烦恼 。像老滚中的圣灵就是被佛道称作“鬼神”,即“魔” , 因为它们有欲望,佛家寓之为“我执” 。换句话来说,那些被吸进“零和”的失败者说不定离成功更进一步,若他们在消亡前能趁机再领悟下一层境界,说不定就能成为比CHIMer更加强大的存在 。CHIMer自称是轮回本身,是“I” , 事实上他们无法真正控制自己,也就是控制轮回 。就像有吧友说CHIMer就好似Mod制作者,确实不假 。CHIMer可以改变世界,却无法改变必须要“建模”,画“贴图”的命运 。
意识到无和有是对立且拥有相同地位 , 若无是世界本质,那么有也亦是世界本质 。这就是CHIM所以为世界本质的错误所在:世界既可以是无,也可以是有,然而这两者都并非“道”本身 。
意识到世界即不是有也不是无,而是“有—无”一体,如同把刀拆成刀柄和刀片,刀柄刀片合起来即是刀,但刀柄不是刀,刀片不是刀;刀也不能说成是刀柄,是刀片 。此离至境,“道”就差一步了 。
意识到“非非无”依旧是一个定义,而真道是不可描述 , 不看形容的 。于是就摒弃了这个定义,最终成为了“道”本身,即“无与非无 , 动与静,生与灭” 。用老滚中的描述既是意识到世界本质是“神之头之梦+非神之头之梦” , “I+no I” 。如果洛克汗能够最终达到这个境界,那么它就会成为“Aun+Pardomay+非Anu+非Pardomay”=“什么都不是+什么都是”,可以是Nirn,是Et’ada,是Wheel , 是不可伤害,不可理解,不可超越… …不要说圣灵能否奈何得了它,能否意识到它的存在 , 理解它都是一件难事 。CHIMer也并没有意识到真道的全面性,只是意识到了与其对立“虚无”性 。或许在达到“零和”之后领悟“非零和” , 就是所谓“反观”的境界,就可以成就“真神” , “上帝”,“真宰” 。若说前三层境界需要的是执着之极致,那么达到此层需要放下执着 。Walking Way的“Chim(极我)和众魂(无我)的对立”恰恰是需要个关键点 。所以我认为达成“神”是需要走遍Walking Way的 。
