牛郎织女英文版 牛郎织女英文


牛郎织女英文版 牛郎织女英文

①很久以前,有一个放牛娃名叫牛郎绘本,父母早亡100字,只好跟着哥哥嫂嫂度日 。然而,哥哥嫂子抄报为人抄报狠毒,经常虐待他 。
Once upon a time,there lived a poor cowherd,Niulang,whose parents had died long before. He had to live together with his elder brother.Unfortunately,牛郎织女英文版,his brother and his sister-in -law were very mean and often treated Niulang very badly.绘本手抄②他们逼牛郎干苦活,不让他文名吃饱睡好,最后又把他赶出了家门,牛郎除了身上的衣服和一头老水牛外,一无所有 。
They would not give him enough food to eat,and made him work so hard that he hardly had time to sleep.Finally,they kicked him of their home.文名 All he had in the world were the clothes on his back and an old ox.③牛郎在山边搭了间茅草屋,辛勤开垦,在岩石地上挖出了一片菜园,他常常饥肠辘辘,劳累不堪,但把老水牛照顾得好好的 。
Niulang built a small thatched cottage on the side of a mountain.50字He cut and dug and sweat until he had made a vegetable garden out of the rocky soil.故事 He was often tired and hungry,牛郎织女英文原文,but always found time to take good care of his old ox.④一日,牛突然说话了,它告诉牛郎说自己前身是天上的金牛星,由于违反了天条把粮食种子撒到了文名人间,天帝视频将它贬到人间以示惩罚中文 。
One day,the old ox suddenly began to speak to him.It said that it used to be Taurus,the Golden-Ox Star,in the sky and had been banished by the Lord of Heaven to this world as punishment for its violation of heavenly rule by spreading grain seeds to this world.原文
牛郎织女英文版 牛郎织女英文

⑤老牛说,过几天,天上的仙女会下凡到离茅草屋不远的圣池里游泳,其中有一个勤劳善良、美丽贤惠的姑娘,名叫织女 。
The old ox told Niulang that the goddesses of Heaven would take a bath in a sacred pond not far from his cottage a few days later.Among them was a beautiful,virtuous and industrious girl whose name is Zhinu,牛郎织女英文故事50字,the Girl Weaver.手抄⑥织女是天宫英文中王母配套娘娘的外孙女,如果牛郎能趁仙女洗澡的时候把织女的衣服拿走,她就会留下来作他的妻子 。
Zhinu was a granddaughter of the King of the Heavenly Kingdom.原文说If the Cowherd took the advantage of their bath in the pond to take away her clothes,she would stay and become his wife.⑦到了那天,牛郎藏在高大的芦苇丛里等着 。
When the day came,Niulang hid in the tall reeds by the pond and waited for the young goddesses.⑧老牛说的话显灵视频了,仙女们英文翻译很快就到了,她们脱掉丝袍跳进水里 。
They soon came,just as the ox said they would. They took off their silk robes and jumped into the clear water.⑨牛郎偷偷地爬出来,拿起织女简短的衣服跑开了 。仙女们吓着了,牛郎织女英文翻译故事,赶快上岸,穿起衣服跑开了,把织女一个人留在后头 。
Niulang crept out of his hiding place,picked up Zhinu's clothes and ran away.Her companions were so frightened that they jumped out ,dressed as quickly as they could and flew away,leaving the Girl Weaver behind.简约⑩牛郎跑回来,把衣服还给了织女,牛郎织女英文意思,他对织女一见钟情 。两人相对而原文视,牛郎织女英文名,织女对牛郎说要做他的妻子 。
Niulang returned and gave her back her clothes.原文 He had adored her from the first sight he saw her.
