今天我来和大家说说Andy Serkis 。 我觉得很多人并不会特别了解他 , 但是对他扮演的角色一定如雷贯耳 。 他从事的领域很有趣 , 本质上属于配音 , 不过添加上了动作捕捉技术后 , 反而大大拓展了塑造角色的可能性 。
因此 , 我们熟悉的《指环王》中的咕噜姆 , 《毒液》里的毒液 , 《猩球崛起》里的凯撒 , 《星球大战:原力觉醒》的最高领导人史诺克等等 。 在他参与的影视作品中 , 特别是近期作品 , 几乎都是幕后配音或者动作捕捉 , 很少有机会看到他真人出演的角色 。 记得在《指环王》中 , 他饰演咕噜姆的前身史麦戈 , 见到了真容 。 这也是他被行业内所认知的一个角色 , 随后更多地转入配音、动作捕捉表演、导演等工作方向 。
由于角色的需要 , 他会采用不同的口音来塑造这类模拟类角色 。 今天我和大家分享的访谈中 , 他使用了自己的母语口音 。 访谈内容讲述的是他如何让想象中的角色变得更让人信服 , 而如何说话就是关键 。 整个访谈中 , 他的语速适中 , 在语音的把握上纯正中性 。 同时出现了很多《地道英音进阶》中分析讲授的发音技巧 , 使得口语状态下的发音更有节奏感和流畅度 。 可以作为我们语音和发音技巧学习的参考 。
I am Andy Serkis and this is how you play a talking ape believably.
The greatest mystery about performance capture is there is no mystery. It’s the same as acting. What is great about the art of performance capture is that you build the role, you create the mind of the character every single choice you make as an actor is there, but it is ridiculous to look at. But in a scene like that, of course, what you’re really focusing on is, you know, the eyes of the other actors. And all acting is about suspension of disability, And it’s about playing the real emotion of the scene.
In trying to find a way of Caesar’s speaking so that it didn’t feel too human-like, we had to experiment with the speed of delivery connecting thought to word in a way that you believe an ape would do it. So when we would start to explore the scene, we probably start off… I’d go something like ‘I did not start this war.’ which sounds very human-like. So we would then kind of work at what sounds believable and feels believable for Caesar’s rhythm. For instance that same scene it’s closer to this in the movie where he goes ‘I did not start this war. I fight only to protect apes.’
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