acgn漫评|老外热议原神PV短片——「雪霁逢椿」( 二 )

The feeling is mutual brothers and sisters.
大家彼此都是这种感觉 。
thicc legend
Not only is the animation beautiful the voice acting and story telling just brings so much joy to me.
不仅动画很美 , 配音与剧情也给我带来了快乐 。
Not a fan of the voice acting but everything else is excellent.
除了配音 , 一切我都喜欢 。
The emotion in the voice is perfect perfect for the feels .
带有情感的声音非常出色 。
Burhan Uddin Prottoy
Seriously.. the animation and the effects are just too good. I don't even know how something can be this wonderful. Hats down to the ones who made this masterpiece.
动画和特效都很好 。 而且故事也很绝妙 。 向制作组致敬 。
A beautiful storytelling in three minutes. That was lovely!
三分钟里讲完了一个美丽的故事 。 大爱!
Nadia Fiorentina
Why am I crying watching this tho. So beautiful. So special. This family.
为什么听到这歌 , 我就哭了 。 这个家庭太美了 , 太赞了 。
This is what I have been waiting for thank you Genshin!
Rodrigo Vidal Cereijo
This is just incredible i literally have tears in my eyesi love ayaka thank god i dont have to win the 50/50 tomorrow to get her.
我哭了 , 这太难以置信了 , 我爱绫华 , 明天必须抽到她 。
C'mon Hoyoverse we all know you're making Genshin anime just say it.
加油米哈游 , 我们都知道你在制作原神剧场版 。
