中英对照 这个杀手不太冷经典台词

中英对照 这个杀手不太冷经典台词


,你知道吗?……我需要找回一点从前的字迹 。
莱昂:你还年轻,马蒂尔达 。 ……你还有机会跳出这种生活 。 你不能放弃这种机会 。 你得保护它 。 人生
马:我只对两件事情感到兴趣:爱情和死亡 。 而此时此刻,我却一件也得不到!
(莱昂试图向她解释,却是徒劳 。 )
莱昂:马蒂尔达,……人生确实还有很多别的事情可做 。
马:是吗?真的?是什么?说吧,我听着呢 。 只要你能爱我,我就是世界最幸福的女人了 。
莱昂:是的,我知道!可是眼下你还不是一个女人呀 。 所以,耐心点儿吧,我需要时间……你也一样 。
你先长大 。
马:我已经不再长大了,我只是在变老 。
4 You Still Have Chances.
L:(kind)Let me alone for a while,Mathilda,OK?My life changed sice I met you, you
know?...Ihave to find back myself a little...
M:Risky business,isn't it?
L:...You're young , Mathilda... You still have a chance to get out. You can't give up this
chance.You have to protect it . There's a lot of things to do in life , a lot of other
M:There are just two things I'm interested in:love and death.For the moment,I have none of
the two!
(Leon Tries to reply,vainly.)
L:Mathilda...There's equally a lot of other things!
M:Huh , really ? What ? Come on , I'm waiting ! You've just to love me and I'll be the
happiest woman around.
L:Yeah, I know!But for the moment you're not yet a woman. So,be patient...I need time...And
you too.You have to grow up.
【中英对照 这个杀手不太冷经典台词】 M:I don't grow up any more .I just get older.
