
1.I know it seems that only love what you are trained to live up to what extent.
2.任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强 。
3.I know I am not flattering, so I did not who is cumbersome.
4.你越不在乎 , 你就越快乐 。
5.My love will shine.
6.我以为我把你放下了 。
7.Sometimes it is better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.
8.I want to make you happy !
9.Some people are worth melting for.
10.And what comes to-morrow who can say.
11.有些人值得我融化 。
12.I always say yes and mean no that you think that I was strong.
13.装出来的真心比滥情更可怕 。
14.Bold cry, tears the heart drug.
15.出卖我 , 我将让你一无所有 。
16.Some people, strong memories, faded relationships.
17.爱情 , 不过是从无话不谈 , 到无话可说 。
18.没必要为了抛弃自己的人就流泪不止心死不生 。
19.The best of me to you.
20.I always put you seriously as a kind of joke. Because I was afraid of losing nothing.
21.All lives end,all hearts are broken.
22.给你最好的我 。
23.I want someone afraid of losing me.
24.大胆哭出来 , 眼泪是心毒 。
25.A cat has nine lives onil in one.
26.我爱他轰轰烈烈最疯狂 。
27.The net closely but buckle not forever.
28.没有人会太关心你 除非你很漂亮或濒临死亡 。
29.Smiling, not because happiness too long, is too long time forgot to sorrow.
30.No one will care about you too much unless you're pretty or dying.
31.Even to the end of the dream, please let me happy.
32.擦肩而过时我没有拉住你你也没有停留 。
33.Keep long hair love red eyes through love.
34.I wait for you to come back.
35.Because of love, I began to fear.
36.I want us to be together.
37.I know you will be always here.
38.And you will not retain my chosen one go.
39.Only miss the sun when it starts to snow.
40.似乎只有我自己知道爱你到什么程度受过什么辜负 。
41.我知道你将会永远陪在我身边 。
42.因为喜欢 , 我开始变得胆怯 。
43.面带微笑 , 不是因为快乐太长 , 是太长的时间忘了悲伤 。
44.我最不会挽留而你们一个个偏要走 。
45.只有当遗憾取代了梦想 , 人才算老 。
47.All is only you completely.
48.十指紧扣却扣不住天长地久 。
49.Pack out really is worse than promiscuous.
50.I created you concede the fact that I do not have to love again perfunctory explanation.
51.好几次差点忍不住的落泪 , 却不知道感触些什么 。
52.只有在开始下雪时才会想念阳光 。
53.Sometimes the so-called love, only funny acacia.
54.生命都会终结 , 徒留一颗破碎的心 。
55.我等你回来 。
56.I just want a warm embrace and nothing more.
57.Love, but not to talk, from no words to say nothing.
58.No need to abandon their own people more than tears desperate not born.
59.We now state, is the last before the break reserved.
60.Almost could not help but shed tears several times, but do not know what to feel.
61.有些人 , 浓了回忆 , 淡了关系 。
62.世界没变 , 是我们变了 。
63.我总是口是心非以至于你认为我很坚强 。
64.猫有九命也只有一心而已 。
65.I did not catch you when you pass you do not stop.
66.我总是把你们的认真当成一种玩笑 。 因为我害怕失去罢了 。
67.我要我们在一起 。
68.我是你的过客 , 你却是我的心 。
