一句很酷很洒脱的英文句子 很酷很洒脱的英文句子有哪些

一句很酷很洒脱的英文句子 很酷很洒脱的英文句子有哪些


1、不要贪恋没意义的人或事,拎着垃圾的手怎么腾得出来接礼物 。
Dont covet meaningless people or things. How can you pick up gifts with garbage?
2、这个世界本身就是不公平的,连地球仪也永远是倾斜的转着 。
The world itself is unfair, and even the globe is always tilting.
3、你说我娇柔做作早晚有一天会众叛亲离,我笑你有眼无珠早晚有一天会后悔莫及 。
You said that I was delicate and pretentious. Sooner or later, the congregation would betray their relatives and leave. I laughed that you had no eyes. Sooner or later, you would regret it.
4、你的齐天大圣正在来的路上,别被野猴子迷了眼 。
Dont be blinded by wild monkeys on your way here.
5、秘密是什么?是今日你与别人增进感情的催化剂,是明日你死于无形的致命伤 。
Whats the secret? Its the catalyst for you to enhance your relationship with others today, and its the deadly invisible wound that you will die tomorrow.
6、如果你讨厌我,我一点也不介意,我活着不是为了取悦你 。
【一句很酷很洒脱的英文句子 很酷很洒脱的英文句子有哪些】 If you hate me, I dont mind at all. I dont live to please you.
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