This animals name does have to do with an adaptation of its feet.这种动物的名字确实与它的脚的进化有关 。
What does it have to do with you? 与你何干?
What does that have to do with me? 那和我有什么关系?
What does this have to do with sleep? 那么,这与睡眠有什么关系哪?
What did this have to do with Europe? 那么这和欧洲有什么联系呢?
What does this have to do with me? 这和我又有什么关系?
What does that have to do with you? 那与您有什么关系吗?
【用have提问用什么回答 用have】So, what does this have to do with guys? 所以,这和男人有什么关系呢?
What does TV have to do with weight loss? 电视和减肥有什么关系?
And what did it have to do with milk? 和牛奶有什么关系 。
What does all this have to do with me? 这一切跟我有什么关系?
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