碗用英文怎么说 现在海伦在洗碗用英文怎么说

1、碗的英语 , bowl 。读音:英 [b??l] 美 [bo?l] 。bowl:n.碗;一碗东西;碗状物;[体]木球 , vi.参加保龄球赛;[体]投球;[体]玩滚木球;稳而快地行驶 , vt.投掷或滚动(球);滚球得分;表演保龄球;打倒 , 撞击 。【碗用英文怎么说 现在海伦在洗碗用英文怎么说】
2、她为他端上了一碗炖牛肉 。She served him a bowl of beef stew
3、吃过午饭后 , 我和伊丽莎白洗了碗 。After lunch Elizabeth and I did the washing up
4、用碗把菜扣上 , 免得凉了 。Cover the food with a bowl to keep it from getting cold.
5、昨夜碗里的水冻冰了 。The water in the bowl froze last night.
6、我每天早上喝一碗麦片 。I have a bowl of cereal every morning.
