我避开无事时过分热络的友谊,这使我少些负担和承诺。我不多说无谓的闲言,这使我觉得轻畅。我尽可能不去缅怀往事,因为来时的路不可能回头。I avoided the friendship that was too passionate when nothing happened, which made me less burdened and committed. I don't say much gossip, which makes me feel light. I try not to remember the past as much as possible, because it is impossible to look back.
我当心的去爱别人,因为比较不会泛滥。我爱哭的时候便哭,想笑的时候便笑,只要这一切出于自然。我不求深刻,只求简单。I love others with care, because it is less likely to spread. I cry when I love to cry, and when I want to laugh, as long as it comes out of nature. I do n’t want to be profound, I just want to be simple.
我明白即使年岁增加,我也不可能变成潇洒、聪明的人,我只能用适合自己的方式旅行、购物,积累出更“忠于原我”的自己。I understand that even if I grow older, I cannot become a smart and smart person. I can only travel and shop in a way that suits me, and accumulate a more "loyal to myself".【 older|甜丧·动漫·女生头像我喜欢我的懦弱,痛苦和难堪也喜欢】
一天中,太阳会升起,同时还会落下,人生也一样,有白天和黑夜,只是不会像太阳那样,有定时的日出和日落。有些人一辈子都活在太阳的照耀下,也有些人不得不一直活在漆黑的深夜里。During the day, the sun will rise and set at the same time, and life is the same. There are day and night, but there will be no sunrise and sunset like the sun. Some people live in the sun all their lives, and some people have to live in the dark night.
人害怕的,就是本来一直存在的太阳落下不再升起,也就是非常害怕原本罩在身上的光芒消失。What people fear is that the sun that has always existed does not rise again, that is, it is very afraid that the light that originally covered the body will disappear.
我要在你眼波中去洗我的手,摩到你的眼睛,太冷了。倘若你的眼睛真是这样冷,在你鉴照下,有个人的心会结成冰。I'm going to wash my hands in your eyes, rubbing your eyes, it's too cold. If your eyes are so cold, under your consideration, some people's hearts will freeze.
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