【改变贸易经营模式创造新的猪肉出口机会】CANADA - The Executive Director of the Canadian Pork Council says Canada's shift away from dependence on the World Trade Organization to secure access to trade to a greater focus on regional trade agreements has created new opportunities for Canada's pork sector, writes Bruce Cochrane.Canada's pork industry exports about 70 per cent of the product it produces to markets around the world as well as live hogs to the US and so is particularly dependant on access to trade."Changing Trade Agreements: Opportunities for the Canadian Pork Industry" was among the topics discussed earlier this month as part of the 2016 Banff Pork Seminar.
布鲁斯科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道 , 据加拿大猪肉协会的执行总裁称 , 加拿大的转变依赖于世贸组织保护通往贸易的入口 , 世贸组织关注区域贸易政策已经为加拿大猪肉行业发明了新的机会 。加拿大猪肉行业向全世界市场出口的产品占自己生产的70% , 同时也向美国出口生猪 , 所以尤其依赖贸易通道 。“改变贸易政策;为加拿大猪肉行业带来机会”在2016年这个月早些时候的班芙猪肉研讨会成为其中议论的主题 。
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