I.Online application for "Professional Visitor" badge
即日起,可登录中国国际消费品博览会官方网站办理专业观众证件参会,新用户需填入个人或企业信息注册账号再进行办理 。专业观众证件通行期限为展会全程,共5日 。
From now on, you can log on to the official website of China International Consumer Products Expo to apply for "Professional Visitor" badge, which can allow you the entry to the expo. New users need to fill in their personal and business information to register an account before the application. The badge stays valid for 5 days throughout the expo.
(二)办理方式:点击网站首页顶部导航栏“报名”-“专业观众”进入系统办理 。
(II) Procedure: Click the “Sign Up” and select"Visitors Registration" in the navigation bar at the top of the homepage, and then enter the system.
(三)办理时间:2022年7月11日-22日 。
(III) Time: July 11-22, 2022
(四)收费金额:200元/张 。
(IV) Fee: RMB 200 / badge
(五)领取方式:免费邮寄(推荐)或现场凭护照原件领取 。
(V) Free express delivery (recommended), or on-site pickup with original passport.
II. Offline registration at the Registration Center
(I) Offline application for three types of badges:
(1) Badge for one-day pass on July 29 or 30;
(2) Badge for double-day pass on July 29 and 30;
(3)7月26日-30日五天通行的“专业观众证” 。
(3) “Professional Visitor” badge for five-day pass from July 26 to 30.
(二)办理地址:中国国际消费品博览会注册及证件管理中心(海南省海口市秀英区梦享龙腾湾商业中心一层) 。
(II) Location of application: China International Consumer Products Expo Registration Center (1F, Mengxiang Longtengwan Business Center, Xiuying District, Haikou, Hainan Province).
(三)办理方式:携本人护照原件及证件照电子版到证件中心境外人员办证柜台取号办理,现场领取 。需注意,展期因疫情防控要求,开展期间当天办理或导致无法入场 。
(III) Procedure: Bring the original passport and electronic version of ID photo to the registration counter for overseas personnel of the registration center to get a number and wait for your turn. The badge will be issued on site. Please note that due to the anti-epidemic policy, application for a badge on the same day as the exhibition may result in failure of admission.
(四)办理时间:2022年7月11日至30日 。
(IV) Time: July 11-30, 2022.
(V) Fees:
(1) Badge for one-day pass: RMB 50/per badge;
(2) Badge for double-day pass: RMB 100/per badge;
(3)专业观众证200元/张 。
(3) “Professional Visitor”badge: RMB 200/per badge.
III. Notes on epidemic response
(一) 提前实名注册申领“海南健康码”,并确认健康码为绿色;
(I) Register with your real name in advance to apply for "Hainan Health Code", and confirm that the health code is green;
(II) Each time you enter the venue, you must hold a 48-hour negative nucleic acid test physical report. Please do the nucleic acid test in advance according to the time of your entry into the venue;
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