
生活当中常会遇到问路或者指路的情况 。那如果遇到老外问路,你会怎么指路?或者去国外旅游 , 你怎么问路? 这期内容就跟大家聊聊问路和指路的事儿 。



How to Ask For Directions 如何问路

1, Excuse me. Could you please tell me how I can get to the National Museum? 打扰一下,请问我怎么去国家博物馆?
2, Sorry. But how can I go to Tian'anmen Square? 不好意思,我怎么能到天安门广?。?
3, Hello. I want to go to Wangfujing, how can I get there? 你好,我要去王府井,请问应该怎么走?
4, Hi. Where is the nearest post office? 嗨,请问最近的邮局在哪里?



How to Give Directions 如何指路

1, 指路的时候会用到以下词汇和短语:
@ go ahead / along 一直往前走 / 沿着...往前走
【生活常用英语|问路和指路】 @ turn left / right 向左 / 右转
@ make a left / right turn 向左 / 右转
@ to the end 走到头
@ cross road 十字路口
2, 指路常用语句范例:
Go along this street to the second cross road and turn left, and go ahead to the end of the street. The post office is on your right.沿着这条街道一直往前走,到第二个十字路口向左转,然后走到头 , 邮局就在你右手边 。
