pennywise翻译 pennywise( 三 )

A country with 1.女装pennywisepoundfoolish4 billion people cannot be expected to grow up and grow strong on others' almsgiving and charity. Besides,pennywise翻译, I'm afraid no country has what it takes to \"rebuild\" China!
在22日的外交部例行采访人员会上,有采访人员问:据报道,18日,美国务卿蓬佩奥接受巴拿马媒体采访称,中国在某些国家的投资已使受援国陷入“更糟糕的境地” 。巴拿马及拉美地区其他国家接受中国投资时要“睁大眼睛” 。中方对此有何评论?
华春莹在回应中说道:“大家做任何事情的时候都应该睁大眼睛,睁大眼睛做实事,而不是小丑睁着眼睛说瞎话 。”

pennywise翻译 pennywise

的确,大家要睁大眼睛,但应该是睁大眼睛做实事,而不是睁着眼睛说瞎话 。干涉别国内政从来不是中国的基因,同他国开展合作附加政治条件也从来不是中国的风格,pennywiseandpound 。美方有关言行纯属挑拨离间,低估了有关国家人民的智慧和判断力,没有任何意义,也不会有任何结果 。
Indeed, we all need to keep our eyes wide open when we want to do something. But it should be keeping eyes wide open and doing things for real, instead of keeping eyes wide open and lying through one's teeth. Interfering in other countries' internal affairs has never been a part of our genes. Attaching political strings to our cooperation with others has never been China's style. The US was trying to drive a wedge by making these accusations. Its pointless efforts underestimated the wisdom and judgment of people in relevant countries and are doomed to fail.
《纽约时报》10月24日报道称读,中国和俄罗斯情报部门一直在监听仿妆特朗普总统个人的苹果手机 。《纽约时报》引用美国官员的话说,中国政府是什么希望利用监听到的内容应对经贸摩擦 。
10月25日,华春莹回应采访人员提问时说:“如果很担心苹果手机被窃听中文的话,可以改用华为手机 。”
pennywise翻译 pennywise

我也看到扮演者了你提到的《纽约时报》的这篇报道,pennywise真实身份,pennywise教学,感觉现在美方有些人真的是想不遗余力地角逐“奥斯卡foolish最佳剧本奖” 。如果可以的话,我有三个建议:
I have also seen the report mentioned by you. I think that now certain people in the US are sparing no effort to win the \"Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay\". If possible, I have three pieces of advice for them.
第一,《纽约时报》应该知道,它发表类似报道,只会多一个其做fake news(假新闻)的证据 。第二,如果很担心苹果手机被窃听的话,可以改用华为手机 。第三,如果还觉得不放心,为了绝对安全起见,可以停止使用任何现代通讯设备,断绝与教学外界所有联系 。
Firstly, the New York Times should have known that releasing such kind of report would only add to evidence that it was fabricating fake news.教学pennywisepoundfoolish Secondly, if they are worried that their iPhones may be eavesdropped, they might want to use the mobile phones produced by Huawei. Thirdly, if they are still not reassured, for the sake of absolute security, they may stop using all modern communications devices and cut themselves off from the outside world.
意大利时尚品牌Dolce&Gabbana因设计师“辱华”言论遭中国读pennywise民众仿妆抵制,pennywise不是小丑吗,大秀受到影响 。
【pennywise翻译 pennywise】11月22日,耿爽在例行采访人员会上回应“杜嘉班纳风波”时强调:“这个问题不是外交问题”,“不如去问一问普通的中国民众” 。
