羌村三首其一【羌村三首其一】为了向英语世界人民介绍中国优秀的古典文化,艾黎充分发挥自己具有深厚中国文化修养的优势,将大量的中国古典诗歌翻译成英文,在英语世界传播 。在学习中国文化,研究中国历史的过程中,艾黎了解了杜甫,他对中国历史上这位伟大的诗人推崇备至 。杜甫的诗歌与精神也对艾黎产生了非常大的影响 。
杜甫诗选——羌村三首(一)峥嵘赤云西,日脚下平地 。
柴门鸟雀噪,归客千里至 。
妻孥怪我在,惊定还拭泪 。
世乱遭飘荡,生还偶然遂 。
邻人满墙头,感叹亦歔欷 。
夜阑更秉烛,相对如梦寐 。
From stately mountains in purple
A setting sun throws its colour out
On to plains below; magpies fuss
Around the wicket gate, and I after
The tired long miles am home again;
Wife and children, wide eyed with surprise,
Greet me, then quickly wipe away their tears;
War has taken me to many places,
Never was it thought I would return; so
Neighbours get over the garden wall,
Every one sobbing out welcome; then
As darkness falls and by candle light
We stare into each other's face
As if in a dream
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