However,as a member of Bronies,I think there is more to it. More and more punchlines or puns has been created. Like Hong Linqin(虹林季国语插曲檎版),a contradictory puns referring to Rainbow Dash and Applejack. (Linqin means apples and Hong is defined as rainbow. Some people hate it.)Zise Shaofu(紫色少妇PP),Twilight Sparkle免费39;s nickname originated from MLP's fan work. Princess Zi Kuaile(紫快乐公主中文版)is her another nickname taken from her name and feature. Kuaile is from her Chinese name chosen by the translators. So if you are willing to listen,I can tell you the puns eternally.但是,身为一名马迷,我认为第九小马的影响远不止此 。越来越多的双关语被创造出来 。例如富有争议的“虹林檎”,被用来指代云宝黛西(云宝)和苹果杰克(苹果嘉儿) 。(林檎指季第苹果,虹代指彩虹 。)暮光闪闪(紫悦公主)的诨称紫色少妇插曲,源于公主小马宝莉的同人作品(粉丝利用官方季第人物、角色创作的、与官方剧情毫无关联歌曲的作品) 。紫快乐公主是她的又一诨称,源于她的官方译名和自身特点 。如果你乐意听,我可以说个没完没了,小马宝莉第3季国语版全集 。
As has been said above,fan works has been thriving during this time.视频英文版全集观看 Many comics are created for fans to read,videos to watch and pieces of music to listen. Snowdrop tells us a story from Princess Celestia's standpoint that in order to welcome the Spring Sunrise,a celebration to memerize her coming in power after 1000 years,a disabled pony named Snowdrop tries her best to prepare a gift for the two sisters on her own because her inability made other foals laugh at her. During this process,with the help of her acute hearing,the guidance of her teacher and her mother,she finally made a snowflake by herself,even mocked by her classmates. The snowflake has been stored for millennia after Snowdrop's death in memory of her achievement,which is letting ponies realize the meanings of cold,dark and winter.如上所述,小马同人作品在此期间登峰造极 。粉丝们创作了许多漫画供人阅读,制作了许多视频供人观看,谱写了许多乐章供人倾听 。《落雪》站在宇宙公主的角度上,讲述了一匹名为落雪的残疾小马为了迎接新春日出这一纪念宇宙公主即位一千年的盛典,虽然由于残疾受到其他小马的嘲笑,却中国尽力独自为皇家两姐妹准备礼物的故事 。这一过程中,落雪凭借自己敏锐的听力及老师和父母的教导,在其他同学的季国语嘲笑下,最终独自做出了一片雪花 。为了纪念落雪让人们全集(小马们)了解寒冷、黑暗和冬天的意义这一伟大功绩,这片歌曲雪花被储存了数千年 。
Have you got an idea with BronyCon,a kind of gathering to be held annually,小马宝莉第3季全集,mainly in Chengdu,Zhengzhou,Shijiazhuang,小马宝莉第3季第13集插曲,小马宝莉第4季中文版,Wuhan and Guangzhou? It普通话在线观看观看中文版小马39;s a special festivity for Bronies and Pegasister,just like Crystal Heart,mentioned in the first and second episodes of Season 3,to the Crystal Empire.话语完整13集 Through this kind of activity,many people have enjoyed themselves both in local dish and the magic of friendship.你了解一年一度的马展吗?它主要在成都、郑州、石家庄、武汉和广州举行,是马迷们的特别聚会,其意义季歌曲不亚于本剧第三季前两集提到的水晶之心对水晶帝国的作用 。通过参加这种聚会,许多人都沉浸在当地的美食和友谊的魔法中 。
Do you know where the sentence “Buy Our Toys” comes from? When Hasbro,the animation maker,tries to sell their toys made on the basis of the episodes to the fans,they will roar this sentence at the end of their advertisement.季中国免费 Their action has worked and many fans has bought their toys and made a persiflage on them like making the music video carefully,creating the animation with brain,making toys with feet and safeguarding with nostrils. They had developed a good relation with their fans and made a lot of money.相关经验推荐
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