小马宝莉第3季第13集 小马宝莉第3季

小马宝莉第3季第13集 小马宝莉第3季

This Sunday marks the 11th anniversary since the first airdate of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and the third year since my first aquaintance with its whole episodes.季免费13集 In these years,its profounded influences has been shown and revealed by some Bronies and Pegasisters,the boys and girls that are named after due to their passion for the program.
本周国语日正值G4小马首映季国语11周年,也是我得以首次一窥该部动画全貌版4周年 。多年以来,这部作品对她的粉丝们产国语中国季中国生的影响深远 。
Apart from a total of 221 episodes,namely nine seasons(Season 3 is an exception.英文版全集插曲观看),one MLP movie,four Equestria Girl movies,two specials including Best Gift Ever and Rainbow Roadtrip,and many animated shorts(EGs&#在线观看小马39; are not included) that consist of 3 Miscellaneous shorts and 5 Best Gift Ever shorts,My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic was originally screened by The Hub and Discovery Family,two American channels run by Hasbro on Oct 10,2010. The program mainly tells us a story of how a little purple pony named Twilight Sparkle befriends with the other five main characters in Ponyville,so as to finish the task given by her mentor Princess Celestia. During the period of time,with the accompany of her No. 1 assistant Spike,a dragon that was hatched out from a purple and green egg in a school operated by Princess Celestia,小马宝莉第3季全中文免费,she eventually truly understands the meaning of friendship and guards Equestria with her five best friends.
G4小马除过9季221集的正剧剧集外(第三季是个例外,只有整版13集),还包括一部《小马宝莉大电影(2017)》、四部《小马国女孩(2013-2016)》、两部特别篇(包括《最棒的礼物(2018)》和《彩虹之旅(2019)》,《小马国女孩》短片未计算在内)、三部混合短片和五部《最棒的礼物》短片,于2010年10月10日在美国孩之宝旗下的两个完整频道The Hub和Discovery Family上首映,小马宝莉第九季中文版免费观看 。该剧主要讲述了一匹名叫暮光闪闪PP(紫悦)的紫色小马为了完成导师宇宙公主交给自己的任务,与同为主角的其他五名小马谷居民的交友普通话过程 。在头号助手斯派克(穗龙)的陪同下,她最终理解了友谊的真谛,与挚友们携手保护小马利亚 。
For many Bronies and Pegasisters,小马宝莉第3季免费观看普通话,MLP has saved them from the maze,小马宝莉第3季第13集完整版,changed their points of view and their ways to communicate with others.季 One said on Zhihu that he used to be very arrogant when he was a boy during his middle school age. And because of being insulted and blamed for a long time,小马宝莉第3季中文版免费观看,he became a hater who was fond of making others feel uncomfortable by talking in a way that is peculiar. He&#公主整版第九英文版宝莉39;s looking down upon his classmates with a pathetic excuse like his excellent grades to lord over,and the way he treated others made his relations among others worse. But things changed after he watched the videos and finally got himself out of a situation that was being isolated with a revengeful heart.
对许多中文马迷来说,这部动画为他们驱散了阴霾,改变了他们的世界观和为人处世在线观看的方式视频 。知乎上有名小马迷自述道,中学时他非常骄横 。由于季免费长期受到责备、侮辱,他成了一个说话阴阳怪气的喷子 。他唯自己优秀的学习成绩马首是瞻,小马宝莉第3季英文版,对同学侧目而视,这种为人处事的方式恶化了与同学的关系 。但是看完这部动画后,他改过自新,摆脱了季歌曲这种仇视他人、被人孤立的状况 。
