3.人生是一条七彩路 , 也是一首悲喜歌 , 简单一点 , 洒脱一点 , 生存就是点滴的融入 。 既然人生不能达到极致的完美 , 那就留一点残缺给岁月去回味 , 打开围城的豁口 , 让阳光照进来 , 给生命无限的张力和从容 。
5.Life into the drama, drama is like life. You sigh Ukiyo-e Qing Huan, make me I feel. I sigh you tell some fantastic tales, but fireworks moment. Actors love where, often depict eventually speechless, cinnabar, who can know the true and false tears after crushing. It is only in the story of others, keep their own tears. ".
7.午后的阳光炙烤着大地 , 我看见一片金黄色的海洋 。 微风拂过 , 空气中弥漫着丰收的气息 。 这里 , 没有闪烁的霓虹灯 , 只有那阵阵知了和青蛙的鸣叫 。 没有一排排像列兵般的路灯 , 只有一轮明月或点点繁星 。 这里 , 远离尘嚣 , 宁静平和 。 这里没有城市的繁荣与华丽 , 但同样不失精彩 。
9.Sparsely fencing, not drunk, who is off? Manwu light song, while the red lips, midnight for whom? In half, the interpretation of the causal world; Alice cuff around the light Chu waist, the origin edge off. Dance Shu Guang Yi thin, lonely courtyard. The wind, I would like to tap your gate door, hold hands, listen to their children.
10.春姑娘迈着轻盈的步履款款而行 。 她携着神奇的小花篮 , 把五彩的鲜花撒向山坡 , 撒向田野;她伴着浙沥的小雨点 , 把美丽的故事讲给鱼儿 , 讲给青蛙 。 她跟着山间的小溪流 , 把婉转的歌儿唱给青山 , 唱给牧童 。 她带着归来的小燕子 , 把春天的喜讯传遍山村 , 传遍农家 。
11.If you give you a piece of wood, you can choose to slowly decay, you can choose the burning; once thought, it is not easy to have, and later to know, it is difficult to give up. Life, in fact, is constantly facing, continuous choice, and constantly give up. Life, only more and more simple.
13.There is a love, thick and strong like wine, very touching warmth in the chest, it is beyond the blood meet. There is a feeling sad, beautiful, dreamy eyes trick like dream, that is affecting the span of cause and effect. Shake all the memory, the number of twist along the course, perhaps in this world there is love but love, maybe this world love mercilessly. Life can have a few feeling, asked thousands of the world EMI, who can say? It seems that only one person: a dream, wake up.
14.生活是一首美妙动听的歌 , 我们要学会欣赏 。 生活是一艘扬帆远航的船 , 我们要学会驾驶 。 生活是一首豪壮抒情的诗 , 我们要学会朗诵 。 生活是一幅五彩缤纷的图画 , 我们要学会鉴赏 。 生活是一本丰富多彩的书 , 我们要学会阅读 。
15.In August, the city, the summer faded, autumn leaves under the tree, the lonely fall. The gray blue sky, rain is approaching unreached, gradually forgotten by us the flavor of the sun, the sky seems to the vicissitudes of some chilly. I do not know when to start, used as partners with the text, the sunset afterglow, fixed in the pale Sujian; also can not remember clearly when to start, like the alone looking up at the sky, feeling the Fengqing thin clouds and in the autumn of the castle.
16.Spring morning kissed the earth, not all students do not stay at. A breeze blowing kiss cheek, there are flowers entangles the body. Back to its former sky, blue sky, Braun Teruzuki, at the foot of the fragrant floating no seal, no building of building green water flow. The geese had left the waves, the passage of time, at present the flashy, rolling stone of Ju Baizhang flow away, car trip for miles heshan. The club said: I think the ancient music for the last happy!
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