1、以你的自信,以你的开朗,以你的毅力,还有我的祝福,你一定能够驶向理想的彼岸 。
to your confidence, your bright, to your perseverance, but also my blessing, you will be able to sail on the other side of the ideal.
2、你聪颖,你善良,你活泼 。有时你也幻想,有时你也默然,在默然中沉思,在幻想中寻觅 。小小的你会长大,小小的你会成熟,愿你更坚强!愿你更自信!
your wisdom, your kindness, your lively. Sometimes you dream, sometimes you have silence, in silence and in meditation, in the fantasy for. Little youll grow up, little you will be mature, let you stronger! Wish you more confident!
3、你用才智和学识取得今天的收获,又将以明智和果敢接受明天的挑战 。愿你永葆一往无前精神 。
wisdom and knowledge you gain today, will be wise and courageous to accept the challenges of tomorrow. May you keep the spirit of press forward with indomitable will.
4、你的天赋好比一朵火花,假如你用勤勉辛劳去助燃,它一定会变成熊熊烈火,放出无比的光和热来 。
【英语老师简短寄语 小学英语老师给学生的毕业寄语】your talent is like a spark, if you use diligent efforts to combustion, it will become a raging fire, light and heat to produce unparalleled.
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