EU & CHINA - Based on the latest figures from Eurostat, total exports, including offal, to all third countries fell 4 per cent year-on-year during the first four months of 2017, according to Dorian Harris, AHDB analyst. Trade with China, which accounted for nearly 40 per cent of the total, fell by 18 per cent in the first third of the year. This was particularly influenced by a sharp decline in shipments during April, when volumes dropped to half of the year earlier level. In contrast, shipments to other markets in April were only down 6 per cent.
【欧洲进口猪肉关税 欧盟向中国出口猪肉】根据英国农业及园伊⒅发展委员会分析师Dorian Harris写道,基于欧盟统计局的最新数据显示,欧盟在2017年前四个月向所有国家出口的猪肉总量,包括内脏数量,同比下跌4% 。欧盟与中国的贸易量占总量的40%,与去年前四个月出口水平相比,减少了18% 。这主要是受到四月大幅锐减的猪肉出口量影响,而今年四月发货量惟独去年同期水平的一半,欧盟四月出口到其他国家的猪肉数量只下跌6% 。
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