辛巴狮子王英文名 狮子王英文名( 三 )

They weren&#读39;t going to try and defend their territory. They were outnumbered and they knew it ,  but if the lions in their own territory outnumbered the intruders , 狮子王英文名言警句 , 狮子王英文名字含义 ,  they were then more likely to approach. So this indicates that lions can assess the odds of winning.
So with all this ,  we still don't actually know that much about their awareness ,  right? How much do lions know about themselves? We really don't know what they know about themselves.摘抄 I did try to do some preliminary mirror tests with them which is really difficult trying to set up this giant mirror in a lion enclosure.
We weren&#名后39;t able to finish the test , 狮子王英文名叫什么 ,  but the lions did show evidence of interacting socially or attempting to interact socially with the lion in the mirror.anleo So it's still this area that we don't know that I'd really like to learn more about.
I think they were a little more intelligent than I was expecting going in. I think actually in the industry ,  I think there was this previous mindset that maybe tigers were smarter than lions or some of the other cats and lions weren&#名言读39;t that smart.
I think in my head when you first reached out to me , 辛巴狮子王英文名 , 狮子王英文名句摘抄 ,  I was thinking that maybe we could prove that wrong.辛巴 I knew the lions were smart.
So we know their social score is off the charts.辛巴 They don&#狮王摘抄狮子王39;t use tools like we've seen in other species. That'd probably be pretty difficult given their paw dexterity.
Their ecological and rational are also pretty good. They're good at innovating ,  solve problems. They can remember the problems once they've solved them.
They can even numerically assess the odds of winning a territorial dispute. For the X factor though , 狮子王主要人物英文名 ,  I never really thought of lions as super smart. So maybe we just put them right down the middle again. We don&#警句39;t want them skewed because they're so good at social and puzzles and stuff. What do you think though?
Well I am clearly biased.a文名 I think their X factor should be a little bit more than down the middle. When I started researching lions and lion cognition ,  a lot of people didn't even think they would be able to solve a puzzle box ,  maybe not even approach the puzzle box.
They have a reputation of being lazy ,  but like my father once told me , 狮子王英文名leo ,  if you want a problem solved quickly ,  give it to a lazy person because they&#警句39;re going to find the fastest solution.句 That's kind of how I like to view lions even though it's probably not that scientific.
So there you have it. They just can&#名言39;t wait to be king ,  but lions are just big old softies. What do you think? Do you love lions as much as Natalia and Brian? What animal do you think we should do next? Let us know in the comments and thanks for watching Animal IQ.
