辛巴狮子王英文名 狮子王英文名( 二 )

They travel long distances so it&#狮子王39;s important that they're able to know where their group members are.写 The way that they accomplish this is through roaring ,  but if they are close together ,  then body language can play a role. Natalia ,  how do you learn all of this?
So I spend a lot of time watching lions ,  whether in the wild or in captivity.大全王英 I have spent hours and hours ,  a lot of time watching them sleep ,  but when they&#名叫王英39;re not sleeping ,  they are so fascinating to study.
One of the interesting things ,  so we know that they can recognize the calls of their group members ,  but when I work with them in captivity ,  and this is not based on science at all ,  but it does seem like they remember individual people and they're usually happy to see me because I'm always bringing them fun toys to play with.文名
We like to display our animals in large natural social groups. So our lions are displayed in a pride. Our antelope are displayed in large herds. So we try to create a situation that's more natural for them and also provides more mental stimulation. I think living in those larger social groups for any of the species ,  it's good for them mentally.
This natural setting lets us test lion cognition in ways that would be really difficult to do in the wild. So at Lion Country Safari ,  I was able to give lions puzzle boxes which is this classic test of cognition. It tests abilities like innovation ,  problem-大全名叫solving , 狮子王英文名后是a还是an ,  and memory.
The first time a lion sees the puzzle box ,  it&#英文名称39;s the first time they're seeing that problem.
Lions kind of do some trial-and-error learning. They eventually have to innovate to solve the problem which they did ,  and they also remember the problem solution.
So the first time they solve the box ,  once they kind of have that light bulb moment ,  they&#人物狮子39;re really good at remembering that solution and then solving it again and again.
Even a long time ,  many months later , 狮子王英文名,角色 ,  they remember that solution and get it right away.an含义 I've seen documentaries where lions will actually work together to solve problems ,  right?
For example ,  in hunting as their social measure is super boss ,  I think we can agree ,  I'm not surprised that lions can do this.狮子王 I just didn't even understand that they could ,  that they coordinate and individual lions have specialized roles.
They&#leo39;re aware of their partner hunter and they base their actions on the actions of that partner.角色 It seems overwhelmingly sophisticated.
It is.含义 In addition to this overwhelming sophistication in the social measure ,  we can't discount their ecological or their rational measures. So in addition to working together to cooperate to hunt ,  it's also really important that lions are able to work together to defend their territory and their offspring.
What is so cool is that lions can actually numerically assess a situation.狮子狮子 What I mean by this is they can determine the odds of whether they&#观后感39;re going to win a conflict based on the number of intruders compared to the number of their kind of buddies that are with them to fight back. The way that researchers know this is once again using playback experiments.
So researchers would play the roars of unknown ,  scary-人物sounding intruder lions to these poor lions in a territory. If the researchers played ,  say , 狮子王英文名字怎么读 ,  three roars to a single lion ,  that single lion would bail out of there.
