英语爱情美句大全( 二 )

23.你是沙漠里的绿洲 , 你是黑暗中的灯盏 , 你是酷暑中的浓荫 , 你是雾海上航标灯 , 你是严冬里的炭火 , 你是湍流中的踏脚石 , 你是看不见的空气 , 你是摸不着的阳光 , 啊 , 友情 , 你在哪里?
26.People need to be blessed, need to be happy, need to miss. If a drop of water on behalf of a blessing, I send you a sea; if a drop of water on behalf of a blessing, I send you a sea; if a star on behalf of a happy, I send you a galaxy; if a tree represents a wisp of missing, I send you a piece of forest.
27.于时光深处 , 铭记一路点点滴滴的快乐与忧伤 。 感恩经过的所有 , 让记忆长成永不褪色的嫣红 。 这个世界很精彩 , 来过便好 。 一些缘分 , 总会去了遥远的天涯 , 相会再也遥遥无期;一些懂得 , 终会被岁月沉淀成相濡以沫 , 从此山水相依 。
28.不变的故事 , 依然存留 。 缠缠绵绵的雨滴 , 充满着诱惑 , 甚至带着凄美 , 敲击着心扉 。 那油纸伞下的情愫 , 飘落在纷飞的细雨之中 。 认一脉情思在雨中飞扬 , 认一帘绮梦缠绕着心的呼吸 。 这样的雨天总有太多的依恋 , 总是无法从灵魂深处缱绻的情感中走出来 。
29.A heart return true, after a period of feeling in the light to reveal more real sincere. To use the pen to note how the deep affection of ink on paper? To mosaic how deep feelings of the past in order to bright the beautiful poem? Affectionate to the flower, infatuation for the moon, suddenly look back, just know love knows the weight, drunk to know wine thick, through such as the time of water, life in the spoony wash away in the past into the eternal touch of green, halo dyed a frame rich painting.
30.Spring breeze blowing up the earth, rain moisten the earth, the earth bathed in the spring ploughing spring, cultivated land. Open the window of your heart to polish your eyes, into the spring, flashed your style, to accept the spring breeze of blessings, spring rain, Chunyang bath, spring ploughing cultivation, to accept the baptism of the holy spring, you will be walking into the life of the oasis.
31.Heart to understand, there is a kind of love is not see the face, is deeply in my mind; not to touch the love, but passion in my heart pany, without a solemn pledge of love, but also can be accompanied forever; have a know, even utter not a single word, but always warm to tears......
32.相见得恨晚 , 相爱的太慢 , 进退让我两难 。 蝴蝶很美 , 终究蝴蝶飞不过沧海 。 十年生死两茫茫 , 不思量 , 自难忘 , 千里孤坟 , 无处话凄凉 。 人生之若如初见 , 又何必承受人走茶凉的心疼 。 一聚一离别 , 一喜一伤悲 , 一榻一身卧 , 一生一梦里 。
33.谁从谁生命里悄然走过 , 留下丝丝哀愁 , 剩一人在原地满身伤痛 。 谁从谁生命里无声离去 , 留下繁华般回忆 , 在夜静无声时疼痛而不舍着回忆 。 在这个时刻相爱 , 看似太迟了 , 却是适当的时候 , 只是因为你来迟了 , 我才懂得珍惜 。 所有炽热的激情 , 是因为一切好象都太晚了 。 然而 , 假如你来早了一步 , 我也许不会那么爱你 。
35.Failing to calm, placid, will see a lumpy and ha. Look at the world with indifferent attitude, with feelings of life in every detail. Let the sun dilute heart worries, carrying a touch of blue, red wait past. Smiling, in clear days with light.
36.仲夏的风儿带着微醺吹进心湖 , 把深深浅浅的过往打上印记 , 留一抹岁月的余香储存在记忆深处 。 携一颗素心行走在红尘俗世 , 渲染一份清欢 , 守一处风景 , 望一回流年 , 用淡墨情怀荡涤灵魂 , 岁月悠悠 , 时光也仿佛变得清丽起来 , 从此不说永远 , 只为珍惜 。
