英语爱情美句大全( 四 )

53.Who from whom life quietly walked, leaving the slightest sorrow, left one person in place with pain e back one step, I may not love you so much.
54.借我三千虎骑 , 复我浩荡中华!饮马恒河畔 , 剑指天山西;碎叶城揽月 , 库叶岛赏雪;黑海之滨垂钓 , 贝加尔湖张弓;中南半岛访古 , 东京废墟遥祭华夏列祖 。 汉旗指处 , 望尘逃遁---敢犯中华天威者、虽远必诛!
57.Through the seasons, a pool of Su, spread the wonderful life of the feast. The wind pushes the dynamic load, and dissolves in the moonlight waves surging, temporarily forget the hurt and pain of life journey. Lotus, born is not dyed mud, rooted in Xinxiang, cleanse the soul, in the years of brewing, when the universe. Wandering in the gentle dream lotus, simple quiet feeling, so I can not forget the innate shallow deep condensate.
60.You have hate, love is too slow, let me retreat dilemma. Beautiful butterfly, butterfly fly but the sea. Ten years of life and death two boundless, do not consider, since the memorable, thousands of lonely grave, nowhere words desolate. If you see the first signs of life, and why should bear the tea cool love. A poly a parting, hi a sad, a couch one horizontal, the lifetime of a dream.
61.春风吹醒了大地 , 春雨滋润了大地 , 春阳沐浴了大地 , 春犁耕耘了大地 。 打开你的心窗擦亮你的双眼吧 , 走进春天 , 亮出你的风采 , 去接受春风的祝福 , 春雨的滋润 , 春阳的沐浴 , 春犁的耕耘 , 去接受春天圣洁的洗礼 , 你就会走进生命的绿洲 。
62.昏暗的雨中 , 很多屋子亮起了灯 , 黄黄暖暖的管线被水雾下裹着 , 生出童话般的意境 , 美得犹如心跳 。 倘若思绪也有色彩 , 我的思绪就刚好与这雨景吻合 , 浅浅的 , 淡淡的 , 安静地低回 。 而被雨洗过的天空 , 不知是蓦然敞开了胸怀 , 还是更加抱紧自己 , 就像静物 , 像烙在心上的痕 , 有种恍惚的冰凉 。 相比于色彩和画布的温暖 , 静物的清寂 , 更容易使人沉陷 。
63.The fireworks in life, there is a distance, is far away, also called close at hand. As long as I was leaning against a meter of sunshine, caters to give you warm, I think, I can will be every inch of life are thin collection, each piece of the scenery will pass the are written into a gentle poems. As long as you are in the lane in the rain will be beautiful, the wind will be converted to whistle. As long as you are in love, the pure wine has been mellow, heart, will always be in the way.
64.将一枚吻的印记 , 沁满花香 , 用初秋的清露封存 , 然后藏入书页 , 放置秋阳明媚的光里 。 依着旖旎的光线 , 眼里 , 便会有一丝温情晕开 , 在书卷的每一寸留白里 , 都渗透着绵绵的爱恋 。 用一场秋雨的微凉 , 倾听 , 凝望 , 任雨丝的从容漫过心海 , 穿过光阴的帷幔 , 去填满记忆的浑荒 , 润泽 , 墨与字 , 心与爱的生生约定 。
65.Although you are just an immature seedlings e a towering tree; although you now just a trickle of water, but as long as perseverance will eventually embrace the sea; although you now just a chicken hawk. However, as long as know how lofty, or several somersault will eventually occupy the blue sky.
68.Care is a rich elegant picture, pristine natural charm. Sunshine, flower, bird, a breeze, bright, also have a little quiet, a trace of melancholy, sad, the slightest loss. It is a brilliant, a deep, a sweet, a simple.
71.雪花 , 是上天降落人间的精灵 , 她 , 纯洁无暇 , 纤尘不染 , 风姿绰约 。 她是冬天的思恋 , 也是冬天唯美的风景和色彩 。 当雪花凌空飞扬时 , 一袭素衣掩不住她的流彩 , 这个世界也因雪花的莅临而变得分外纯净 , 分外妖娆 。
