37.Her dressed in dark green tunic, black hair and waist, nod stroke of guzheng, arm slowly lifted, the wind Ying Ying, sleeve of a robe sleeve of a robe. Song of the fishermen sing late "shallow sing croon, the climax of the Department like gurgling water, springs Ding Ding, silent will like the fledglings chirp songbirds whisper. The pavilions, chuyang painted makeup, put a neon color clothes, stuffed with a circle of blush, rippling in the lake the wrinkle wrinkle waves carrying halo diffuse open light sparkling.
38.心里懂得 , 有一种爱是看不见的容颜 , 却深深在脑海里;触不到的爱意 , 却浓情在两心里 。 以你想念的姿势 , 不远 , 也不近 。 记得 , 你曾说过 , 你会守着荷 , 你要让荷快乐 。 相信 , 生命里 , 有一种陪伴 , 无需海誓山盟 , 却也可以相伴永远;有一种懂得 , 即使不言不语 , 却总会暖到落泪……
39.Dim rain, a lot of room lights, warm yellow pipeline is mist wrapped up, give birth to a fairy tale mood, beautiful like a heartbeat. If the mind has color, my mind just with the rain with shallow, faint, quiet and low. The sky and washed by the rain, I do not know suddenly open the mind, or more hold yourself, like a still life, like Burger in the heart of marks, a trance of cold. Compared to the color and canvas still warm, the lonely, it is easier to subsidence.
40.一段浮华如烟的过往 , 书写各自不同的结局 。 遗忘 , 在路上 。 不断用文字大段大段告白 , 记载 , 行走匆匆间 , 时光早已遗忘了彼此的容颜 。 我曾经幻想过无数次彼此之间重逢的瞬间 , 是否能够心平气和说一声 , 好久不见 。 有没有那么一个人 , 你无数次的说要放弃 , 但是终究还是舍不得 。
42.When the sad and shrill winter in the past, snow has not melted, winter clothes also did not take it off e.
44.A kiss mark, Qin full of flowers, with autumn dew sealed, then hidden into the page, placed in the light of the bright autumn sun. Leaning against the charming light eyes, a trace of warmth halo in volumes per inch left in white, are permeated with continuous love. In a cool autumn rain, listening, watching, he served as the rain calmly diffuse Xinhai, through the time the curtain, to fill the shortage of memory the muddy, moist, ink and words, heart and love of the students agreed.
47.历经四季更迭 , 一池素荷 , 摊开了美妙人生的盛宴 。 风推荷动 , 心潮在月色溶溶的波光里涌动 , 暂忘人生旅途之中的伤与痛 。 莲 , 生于淤泥不染 , 根植心香 , 涤荡灵魂 , 于经年里酝酿 , 婉转乾坤 。 徜徉在温柔追梦的荷塘 , 纯朴安恬的情怀 , 让我无法忘记那与生俱来的浅凝深望 。
48.明天是幸福的 , 今天所有未完成的心愿都有机会在哪里达成;明天是美丽的 , 有太多今天未开的花朵会在那里争奇斗艳;明天是未知的 , 我们永远不知道会在那里遇见怎样的自己 。
49.In the depths of time, bearing in mind the little bit of happiness and sadness. After all Thanksgiving, let the memories never fade into red. This world is wonderful, to be good. Some fate, always to the distant horizon, meet again in sight; some understand, will eventually be precipitate Xiangruyimo years. From then on, landscapes dependencies.
50.不几时 , 寒风拂袖而过 , 穿过山水 , 越过梨花 。 皎皎明月已不再 , 淡淡乌云聚拢而来 。 蝉鸣依旧 , 蛙声仍在 , 只是听的人已经回屋避雨了 。
51.烟火人生里 , 有一种距离 , 叫远在天涯 , 也叫近在咫尺 。 只要我依着一米阳光 , 依着你给的温暖 , 我想 , 我就可以将生命的每一寸光阴都细细珍藏 , 将路过的每一片风景都书写成温婉的诗篇 。 只要有你在 , 雨巷之雨定会旖旎 , 幽篁之风定会皈依 。 只要有你在 , 爱的纯酿一直醇香 , 心 , 将一直在幸福的路上 。
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