
2.The midsummer wind with tipsy blew into the heart of the lake, the imprint deeply shallow in the past, leaving the fragrance of the touch of the years stored in the memory of the depths. Carrying a star Susan walking in the world of mortals, rendering a Qing Huan, keep a view, hope a fleeting, with light ink feelings cleanses the soul, years leisurely, time seems to get elegant, never say forever, only to cherish.
5.If may, really want to and you have been traveling; perhaps in a, undeveloped desolate island; perhaps in a, famous cultural city pany in my side.
6.When not, the wind walks over, across the mountains, across the pear. Moon is gone, clouds gather to light. The cicadas still, frog sound is still in, just listen to a person who has the rain back to the house.
7.虽然你现在还只是一株稚嫩的幼苗 。 然而只要坚韧不拔 , 终会成为参天大树;虽然你现在只是涓涓细流 , 然而只要锲而不舍 , 终会拥抱大海;虽然你现在只是一只雏鹰 , 然而只要心存高远 , 跌几个跟头之后 , 终会占有蓝天 。
8.当凄厉的冬天过去 , 积雪还没有消融 , 冬衣还没有脱下 , 一切还都是春寒料峭 , 人们就会在不经意间 , 看到小草从泥土中冒出娇嫩的身躯 , 像羞涩的少女 , 淡淡的白 , 淡淡的緑 , 带给人们春的气息 , 微风走过 , 满山遍野的草儿緑了 , 花儿开了 , 春天来了 。
9.Snow, is the God of landing the human spirit, her pure, spotlessly clean, charming appearance and personality e because of snow become exceptionally pure, especially enchanting.
10.A flashy smoke of the past, writing a different ending. Forgotten, on the road. Continue to use a large segment of the text confession, records, walking in a hurry, the time has long forgotten each other's face. I have fantasies of reunion between countless moments with each other, whether it can be in a calm mood to say, haven't met in a long time. There is no such a person, you said many times to give up, but after all, still do not give up.
11.她 , 袭一身墨绿轻纱 , 青丝及腰 , 正颔首抚摸古筝 , 手臂缓缓抬起 , 清风盈盈 , 衣袖袂袂 。 一曲《渔舟唱晚》浅唱低吟 , 高潮之处似流水潺潺 , 清泉叮呤 , 无声之时便像雏鸟啁啾 , 燕雀呢喃 。 这亭榭之外 , 初阳描着素妆 , 披一件霓彩衣裳 , 酿一圈红晕 , 荡漾在湖面上 , 这皱皱的波载着光晕漫开 , 水光粼粼 。
13.人需要祝福 , 需要快乐 , 需要思念 。 如果一滴水代表一个祝福 , 我送你一个东海;如果一滴水代表一个祝福 , 我送你一个东海;如果一颗星代表一份快乐 , 我送你一条银河;如果一棵树代表一缕思念 , 我送你一片森林 。
15.The same story, still remaining e out.
17.一颗心回归本真 , 一段情在淡去浮华之后更加真实厚重 。 要用怎样的笔笺才能把这深邃的情意落墨纸上?要拼接多么深情的过往才能明媚这锦绣的诗行?深情向花 , 痴心对月 , 蓦然回首 , 才知爱过知轻重 , 醉过知酒浓 , 走过了如水的光阴 , 生命中那份痴情的过往涤荡成了一抹永恒的苍翠 , 晕染成一帧浓郁的丹青 。
21.You is an oasis in the desert, you are the lamp in the dark, you are a shade in the scorching summer, you are the beacon sea fog lights, you are a charcoal fire in winter, you are a stepping stone to turbulence, you are looking for cannot see the air, you are touched the sun, ah, friendship, you in where?
22.如果可以 , 真想和你一直旅行;或许在某个 , 未开发的荒凉小岛;或许在某座 , 闻名遐迩的文化古城;沿途用镜头记录彼此的笑脸 , 和属于我们的风景;一起吃早餐 , 午餐 , 晚餐 , 看日落;或许吃得不好 , 可是却依旧为对方 , 擦去嘴角的油渍;风景美不美 , 其实并不重要 , 重要的是——有你陪伴在我的身边 。
