情态动词解析: 情态动词的should的用法

情态动词解析: 情态动词的should的用法

情态动词解析: 情态动词的should的用法

好多人都会被情态动词搞混,can和Could,may和might , should和must,什么时候用哪个,我们今天来捋一捋 。
Might & May【情态动词解析: 情态动词的should的用法】我们用might表示可能会发生的事 。比如说:
Where are you going for your holidays?
--I'm not sure. I might go to New York.
我可能会去纽约 。
It might rain.
可能会下雨 。
may和might有什么区别呢?其实两者都可以同样使用 , 表示不确定,可能会发生的事 。比如:
I might go to the cinema this evening.
=I may go to the cinema this evening.
我可能今晚会去电影院 。
Sue might not come to the party tonight.
=Sue may not come to the party tonight.
Sue今晚可能不会来参加派对了 。
Can & Could我们用can来表示“知道怎么做...”或者“对某人来说,...是可操作的” 。
I can play guitar, but I can't play piano.
我会弹吉它,但是我不会弹钢琴 。
Can you swim?
--Yes, but I'm not a very good swimmer.
如果是在过去时态里 , 我们就用could/ couldn't 。
When I was young, I could run very fast.
当我年轻的时候,我可以跑得很快 。
Before Anna came to England, she couldn't understand much English, but she can understand everything now.
Anna去英国前不懂太多英语,但是现在她能懂所有事 。
Must & Had to & Have to我们用must来表示“必须要做的事情” 。
It's a fantastic film, you must see it.
这是部很好的电影 , 你必须看一看 。
We must go to the bank today, We haven't got any money.
今天我们必须去趟银行了,我们没有钱了 。
在过去时态里,我们用had to...来表示 。
We had to go to the bank yesterday, because we haven't got any money.
我们昨天必须去银行,因为那时候我们已经没有钱了 。
I had to walk home last night.
昨晚我不得不走路回家 。
有小伙伴就会说了,如果按时态来算 , had to 是过去时态,那现在时态里 , 不应该是have to 吗?
对的 , 在现在时态里,must在某种情况下是可以和 have to 同等替换使用的 。
当must 和 have to 都表示“你觉得是必须的,你给出你的个人意见”时,两者可互换使用 。比如:
It's a fantastic film, you must see it.
=It's a fantastic film, you have to see it.
这部电影很精彩,你必须去看一看/你真的得去看一看 。
当“你不是在给出你的个人意见时”,就只能用have to 。比如:
Jill won't be here this afternoon, she has to go to the doctor.
Jill下午不会在这了,她必须得去看医生 。(这不是个人意见,而是事实,生病了必须看医生)
In many countries, men have to do military service.
在很多国家,男性必须服兵役 。(这也不是个人意见 , 而是国家法律规定)
Should & Shouldn't我们用should来表示“是好的,对的事,所以应该做” 。相应的,我们用shouldn't 表示“不好的 , 不对的事,所以不应该去做” 。
Tom should go to bed earlier, he goes to bed very late and he's always tried.
Tom 应该早点去睡觉,他睡太晚了,总是困 。
