2、aw man!
3、so we bacl in the mine,
4、got our pickaxe swinging from,
5、side to side,side side to side,
6、This task a grueling one hope to find some diamonds to,
7、night night night,
8、diamond to night, heads up,
9、you hear a sound trun around and look up,
【creeper梗怎么接 creeper梗怎么玩】10、total shock fills you body!
11、oh no it s you again,
12、I could never forget those,
13、eyes eyes eyes,
14、Eyes eyes Cause baby tonight!
15、the creeper s trying to stal all our stuff again,
16、Cause baby tonight!
17、you grab your pick shovel and bolt again!bolt again!
18、Run run Until it s gone…… done,
19、until the sun comes up in the morn.
20、Cause baby tonight!
21、the creeper s trying to steal all our stuff again!
23、just when you think you re safe,
24、overhear some hissing from,
25、Right be hind,Right right behind,
26、That s a nice life you have shame its gotta end at this,
27、Time time time,
28、Time time time time!
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