CANADA - Pork producers are being reminded the risk of exposure to PED is likely to increase with the onset of colder weather, writes Bruce Cochrane.The Canada-West Swine Health Intelligence Network third quarter report indicates the PED outbreak in two southeastern Manitoba swine herds remains the most significant concern regarding the health of western Canada's swine herd.Dr Egan Brockhoff, the Veterinary Counsel with the Canadian Pork Council, says unfortunately we've seen an increase in PED through the late summer and into the fall.
加拿大提醒猪肉生产商,随着天气转寒的开始,猪群被猪流行性腹泻病感染的风险将会增长 。根据加拿大西部生猪健康情报网的第三季度报告显示 , 在曼尼托巴省东北部两个猪群中爆发的PED疫情仍是关系到加拿大西部生猪健康的最主要问题 。加拿大猪肉协会的兽医伊根·科霍夫(Egan Brockhoff)博士说:“不幸的是,我们已经看到猪流行性腹泻病在夏末秋初增多 。”
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