英语文案短句 英语文案短句带翻译

英语文案短句 英语文案短句带翻译


英语文案短句 英语文案短句带翻译

原来 , 真心离伤心最近 。
It turns out that my heart is closest to my heart.
我们的生命是三月的天气 , 可以在一小时内又狂暴又平静 。
Our life is March weather, which can be violent and calm in an hour.
最大的悲哀莫过于长大,从此,笑不再纯碎,哭不再彻底 。
The biggest sorrow is growing up, from then on, smile is no longer pure broken, cry is no longer complete.
孤独是洗脚的时候没拿毛巾,只能等脚干 。
Loneliness is when I wash my feet without a towel, I have to wait for my feet to dry.
有些情,我们总是说不出,有些爱 , 我们总是得不到 。
Some love, we always cant say, some love, we always cant get.
你瞧这些白云聚了又散,散了又聚,人生离合,亦复如斯 。
You see, these white clouds gather and scatter, scatter and gather, and life is like this.
悔恨已发生的,忽视现在发生的,担忧未发生的 , 心累的来源 。
Regret what has happened, neglect what has happened now, worry about what has not happened, and the source of tiredness.
生活中的每一次不幸,都是锻炼的机会,请不要轻易放弃 。
Every misfortune in life is an opportunity to exercise. Please dont give up easily.
因为没有什么值得永久铭记,所以我只能任由你消失 。
Because there is nothing to remember forever, so I can only let you disappear.
让沉默代替所有回答,只为看你懂我多少 。
【英语文案短句 英语文案短句带翻译】Let silence instead of all answers, just to see how much you know me.
