SPAIN and EU - Spain’s slaughter numbers went up 7 per cent in 2015 compared with 2014. Spain exported 45 per cent of its pork production (Germany and Spain have increased their exports, while other EU countries have declined), also heavier slaughtering weights (112kg average), writes Mercedes Vega, General Director for Spain, Italy & Portugal.The price average was1.14/kg liveweight, but with the lowest price at the end of the year at0.947/kg, while the price of feed more or less stabilized, with an index at the end of the year of 225/ ton (source 3tres3 pig economic thermometer).
西班牙、意大利和葡萄牙总干事梅塞德斯维加(Mercedes Vega)写到,西班牙2015年生猪屠宰数量相比2014年上升7% 。西班牙出口量占本国猪肉生产的45%(德国和西班牙出口量都在增添,而欧萌玟他国家出口量减少),屠宰称重也增添了(均匀112公斤) 。生猪均匀价格每公斤1.14欧元,然而今年年底价格最低点达到每公斤0.947欧元,饲料价格或多或少保持稳定,年底饲料指标在每吨225欧元 。
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