深度分析 U.S.News公信力一降再降, 哈佛耶鲁高调「退群」, 法学院迈出第一步

深度分析 U.S.News公信力一降再降, 哈佛耶鲁高调「退群」, 法学院迈出第一步


深度分析 U.S.News公信力一降再降, 哈佛耶鲁高调「退群」, 法学院迈出第一步


深度分析 U.S.News公信力一降再降, 哈佛耶鲁高调「退群」, 法学院迈出第一步



作者:橡树君 。如果喜欢蓝橡树的文章,请记得要把我们“设为星标”哦!
上周,继哈佛大学、耶鲁大学携手宣布不再参与U.S.News的法学院排名后 。
加州大学伯克利分校、哥伦比亚大学、斯坦福大学、乔治城大学和密歇根大学的法学院 也先后宣布将退出排名 。
而后橡树君今天刷新了一下新闻,发现杜克大学、西北大学和加州大学洛杉矶分校的法学院也在这两天纷纷官宣退出排名 。
深度分析 U.S.News公信力一降再降, 哈佛耶鲁高调「退群」, 法学院迈出第一步


深度分析 U.S.News公信力一降再降, 哈佛耶鲁高调「退群」, 法学院迈出第一步


深度分析 U.S.News公信力一降再降, 哈佛耶鲁高调「退群」, 法学院迈出第一步


深度分析 U.S.News公信力一降再降, 哈佛耶鲁高调「退群」, 法学院迈出第一步


深度分析 U.S.News公信力一降再降, 哈佛耶鲁高调「退群」, 法学院迈出第一步


深度分析 U.S.News公信力一降再降, 哈佛耶鲁高调「退群」, 法学院迈出第一步


深度分析 U.S.News公信力一降再降, 哈佛耶鲁高调「退群」, 法学院迈出第一步


这些学校都表示 , 排名系统对法学院本身增加社会经济多样性、支持低收入学生和鼓励追求公共服务的目标完全背道而驰 。

因此,他们将不再提供本学院的任何数据用以参与排名 。
Dear Members of the Harvard Law School Community,

I write today to share with you that Harvard Law School will no longer participate in the U.S. News & World Report rankings, effective this year. (Yale Law School announced a similar decision earlier today). We at HLS have made this decision because it has become impossible to reconcile our principles and commitments with the methodology and incentives the U.S. News rankings reflect. This decision was not made lightly and only after considerable deliberation over the past several months.
Done well, such rankings could convey accurate, relevant information about universities, colleges, and graduate and professional schools that may help students and families make informed choices about which schools best meet their needs. However, rankings can also emphasize characteristics that potentially mislead those who rely on them and can create perverse incentives that influence schools’ decisions in ways that undercut student choice and harm the interests of potential students.
Over several years now, a number of schools – including Harvard Law School – have brought to the attention of U.S. News, either directly or through the U.S. News Law Deans Advisory Board, the concerns that have motivated us to end our participation in the U.S. News process. In particular, we have raised concerns about aspects of the U.S. News ranking methodology (also highlighted by our colleagues at Yale) that work against law schools’ commitments to enhancing the socioeconomic persity of our classes; to allocating financial aid to students based on need; and, through loan repayment and public interest fellowships, to supporting graduates interested in careers serving the public interest.
