EU - The atmosphere remains friendly on the European pig slaughter market. In most of the participating countries, the quotations are going up moderately.Within a scope similar to the price quoted in Germany the pig slaughter prices are moving around 2 cents upward throughout Europe. Pigs for slaughter are sought for everywhere in Europe.The German slaughter belts are run at full capacity in order to come to sufficient resources for the Christmas season. Extensive quantities are much asked for in the meat trade in this context.Unchanged quotations are reported on from Spain, France, and Ireland.
欧洲生猪屠宰市场弥漫着亲切友好的气氛 。绝大多数参加市场的成员国报价正在适量上涨 。德国报价增长,整个欧洲的生猪出栏价格与其类如,在一定范围内增长,报价向上挪移2欧分左右 。欧洲各地的活猪需求保持旺盛 。为了在圣诞节保证足够的货源,德国屠宰企业马力全开 。在此背景下,肉类交易中对猪肉数量的请求更加巨大 。据报告,西班牙、法国和爱尔兰的报价没有改变 。
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