双语阅读|数字命理学是什么?( 二 )

诸如此类的发现使毕达哥拉斯学派得出了“一切皆为数”的结论 。根据一种解释,这意味着人们可以测量世界上的一切,并用数字和比例来描述它 。这是一个合理的想法,它对科学和数学产生了很大的影响 。但根据另一种解释,“一切都是数字”意味着世界上的一切都是由数字组成的,可以简化为一个数值 。
Contents 内容

  1. Pythagorean Numerology Basics 毕达哥拉斯命理学基础
  2. Finding Your Life Path Number 找到你的人生道路号码
  3. Criticisms of Numerology 数字命理学批判
Pythagorean Numerology Basics 毕达哥拉斯命理学基础



Greek philosopher Pythagoras believed that everything in the universe could be explained by numbers. 希腊哲学家毕达哥拉斯认为宇宙中的一切都可以用数字来解释 。

In their study of mathematical concepts, the Pythagoreans sorted numbers into categories. Numbers like one, four and nine are square because a corresponding number of dots or pebbles can be arranged in a perfect square. One, three, six and 10 are triangular — one, three, six or 10 dots can be arranged into regular triangles. Two, six and 12 are oblong, since the corresponding number of pebbles form rectangles.
毕达哥拉斯学派在研究数学概念时,把数字分类 。像1、4和9这样的数字是正方形的,因为相应数量的圆点或鹅卵石可以排列成完全正方形 。1、3、6和10是三角形的——1、3、6或10个点可以排列成规则的三角形 。2、6和12是长方形的,因为相应数量的鹅卵石形成矩形 。
Along with describing numbers in terms of math and geometry, the Pythagoreans also described them in terms of non-numerical traits. These traits had more to do with intuition and mysticism than science or mathematics.
毕达哥拉斯学派不仅用数学和几何来描述数字,还用非数字的特征来描述它们 。这些特征更多地与直觉和神秘主义有关,而不是科学或数学 。
For example, odd numbers are masculine and even numbers are feminine. The No. 1 is creative, since the addition of multiple ones can create any other number. Two represents duality and is female, while three is male. As the sum of two and three, five represents marriage, and since it falls exactly in the middle of the numbers one through nine, it also represents justice.
例如,奇数代表阳性 , 偶数代表阴性 。数字1是有创意的,因为多个数字相加可以得到任何其他数字 。二代表二元性,是女性 , 三代表男性 。五是二加三的和,代表婚姻 , 因为它正好在数字1到9的中间,所以它也代表正义 。
Ten is a sacred number, largely because it is the sum of the first four digits.
10是一个神圣的数字,很大程度上是因为它是前四位数字的和 。
After the death of Pythagoras, interest in mathematical mysticism faded. It reappeared in the late 1800s when Mrs. L. Dow Balliett published several books on number vibration, music and colors. According to Balliett, each number has a specific vibration. People, foods, objects and colors also vibrate. In order to live a productive and harmonious life, people should make sure their environment vibrates in harmony with their own vibrations. This concept appears frequently in other new age practices, some of which describe it as an affect of the movement of subatomic particles. However, there has been little scientific study to identify or quantify such a vibration or to analyze its affect on human existence.
毕达哥拉斯死后,人们对数学神秘主义的兴趣逐渐消退 。它在19世纪后期重新出现 , 当时L. Dow Balliett夫人出版了几本关于数字振动、音乐和颜色的书 。根据Balliett的说法,每个数字都有特定的振动 。人、食物、物体和颜色也会振动 。为了过上富有成效和和谐的生活,人们应该确保他们的环境振动与他们自己的振动和谐一致 。这个概念经常出现在其他新时代的实践中,其中一些将其描述为亚原子粒子运动的影响 。然而,很少有科学研究来确定或量化这种振动或分析它对人类生存的影响 。
