双语阅读|数字命理学是什么?( 四 )

为了确定一个人的生日数字 , 数字命理学家从图表中选取相应的数字并将它们加在一起 。如果结果有两个或两个以上的数字,数字命理学家将把这些数字加在一起,重复这一步骤,直到得到一个数字 。
For example, the total for the name "John" is 20 and "Smith" is 24 in our image above for a total of 44. Finally, add the two digits together for a total of 8. The only time you don't add the final two numbers is if the sum is 11, 22 or 33 because those are master numbers.
例如 , 在上图中,“John”这个名字的总数是20,“Smith”是24,总共是44 。最后,把这两个数字加在一起,总共是8 。最后两个数字不加的唯一情况是,当和是11 22或33时 , 因为它们是主数 。
Many numerology systems also use a person's date of birth to arrive at another number known as the birth, life or destiny number. Let's say John's birthday is July 31, 1981. In numerology that is 7 + 31 + 1981 = 2019. Further add 2 + 1 + 9 = 12; and finally add 1 + 2 for a birthday number of 3.
许多命理学系统还使用一个人的出生日期来得出另一个数字,即出生、生命或命运数字 。假设约翰的生日是1981年7月31日 。在命理学中是7 + 31 + 1981 = 2019 。2 + 1 + 9 = 12;最后加上1 + 2,生日数字是3 。



The Pythagorean numerology chart shows which letters translate to which numbers. Maybe you're lucky enough to vibe with a master number! 毕达哥拉斯数字命理图显示了哪个字母转换成哪个数字 。也许你足够幸运,能感应到一个主号码!

Some numerologists use charts or diagrams to examine the numbers and letters in relations to one another. These diagrams can resemble astrological charts and can add additional layers of meaning to the numerological reading. But regardless of whether a numerologist uses a simple or complex system to determine the results, the final analysis will often sound much like a horoscope.
一些数字命理学家使用图表或图表来检查数字和字母之间的关系 。这些图表可以类似于占星术图表,并可以为数字命理学阅读添加额外的意义层 。但是,不管数字命理学家使用的是简单系统还是复杂系统来确定结果,最终的分析听起来往往更像星座运势 。
Numerologists will interpret the results and the connotations of each number to make recommendations or theorize about a person's future. Recommendations often include:
数字命理学家将解释结果和每个数字的含义,从而对一个人的未来提出建议或理论 。建议通常包括:
Like astrology, numerology is a type of applied mysticism; it correlates a mystical symbol with a person's life. For this reason, some people have credited numerology numbers with helping them to make personal or financial decisions. However, there's no proof that the system works or that there is any real correlation between the numbers and their associated concepts.
像占星术一样,命理学是一种应用神秘主义;它把一个神秘的符号和一个人的生活联系起来 。出于这个原因,一些人认为命理学数字可以帮助他们做出个人或财务决定 。然而 , 没有证据表明该系统有效,也没有证据表明数字和相关概念之间存在任何真正的相关性 。
The Number of the Beast 野兽的数字
The technique used to determine a person's number has also been used to associate people's names with the number of the beast or 666, which appeared in the Book of Revelation. Many people associate this number with the end of the world or the devil, although with enough tweaking it's possible to make virtually anyone's name total 666.
用来确定一个人的数字的技术也被用来将人的名字与出现在《启示录》中的野兽或666的数字联系起来 。许多人把这个数字与世界末日或魔鬼联系在一起,尽管稍加调整,几乎任何人的名字都有可能是666 。
