双语阅读|数字命理学是什么?( 三 )

Unlike the Pythagoreans, modern numerologists apply numbers to people in addition to applying intangible concepts to numbers. According to most numerologists, the numbers one to nine have unique properties that are the direct result of their inherent vibration. Some of these properties come from Pythagorean writings, and others come from how cultures around the world use and approach numbers.
与毕达哥拉斯学派不同,现代数字命理学家除了将无形的概念应用于数字之外,还将数字应用于人 。根据大多数数字命理学家的说法,数字1到9具有独特的性质,这是它们固有振动的直接结果 。其中一些属性来自毕达哥拉斯的著作 , 另一些则来自世界各地的文化如何使用和处理数字 。
Some systems designate numbers with repeating digits as master numbers, which include all the attributes of two other numbers:
有些系统将重复数字的数字指定为主号码 , 其中包括其他两个数字的所有属性:
Numerology purports to tell the future, guide human behavior, predict the outcome of relationships and otherwise pine the unknowable by figuring out a person's numbers. For example, if the No. 9 has a particular vibration, a person whose number is nine has the same vibration. That person can choose what to eat, where to go and how to live based on which choices have a vibration that is compatible with nine.
数字命理学声称可以通过计算一个人的数字来预测未来、指导人类行为、预测人际关系的结果,以及占卜不可知的事物 。例如,如果数字9有特定的振动,那么数字9的人也有相同的振动 。这个人可以选择吃什么,去哪里,如何生活 , 基于哪些选择具有与九相兼容的振动 。
Finding Your Life Path Number 找到你的人生道路号码



You can find your life path number using your name and some simple addition. 你可以用你的名字和一些简单的加法找到你的人生路径号 。

The process of translating words to numbers is central to numerology. The practice has roots in Greek, Latin and Hebrew gematria, or the practice of turning words into numbers for the purpose of pination. People have used gematria to study and interpret the Torah, the Bible and other religious texts.
将文字转化为数字的过程是数字命理学的核心 。这种做法源于希腊语、拉丁语和希伯来语的gematria,或者是为了占卜而把单词变成数字的做法 。人们使用gematria来研究和解释Torah,圣经和其他宗教文本 。
Most of the time, numerologists focus on people's names, using a simple chart to change names into numbers. Different numerology systems use different charts, but an easy one begins with "a" equaling one, "b" equaling two and so forth.
大多数时候,数字命理学家专注于人们的名字,用一个简单的图表把名字变成数字 。不同的命理学系统使用不同的图表,但一个简单的图表是以“a”等于1,“b”等于2开始的,以此类推 。
Numerologists typically use a person's birth name to find their number. Some argue that unborn babies select their names themselves and communicate them to their parents psychically, making sure their name will suit them and yield the correct number. According to numerologists, the name a person receives at birth is more significant than nicknames, names taken upon marriage or otherwise changed names.
数字命理学家通常使用一个人的出生名字来找到他们的数字 。一些人认为,未出生的婴儿自己选择名字,并通过心灵与父母沟通,确保他们的名字适合他们,并产生正确的数字 。命理学家认为,一个人出生时的名字比昵称、结婚时取的名字或其他改变的名字更重要 。
To determine a person's birthday number, the numerologist picks the corresponding numbers from the chart and adds them together. If the result has two or more digits, the numerologist will add those digits together, repeating that step until arriving at a single digit.
