双语阅读|数字命理学是什么?( 六 )

Numerology FAQ 数字命理学常见问题解答
How do you find your numerology number? 你如何找到你的命理数字?
Start with the numbers in your birthdate and add them up in a specific way. For instance, if you are born Feb. 14, 1990, in numerology that is 2 + 14 + 1990 = 2006. Further add 2 + 6 = 8, to get your life path number of 8. The only time you don't reduce the final number is if it is an 11, 22 or 33, which are master numbers. You can also use a similar technique with your full name to find your destiny number.
从你出生日期中的数字开始,用特定的方式把它们加起来 。例如,如果你出生在1990年2月14日,在命理学上就是2 + 14 + 1990 = 2006 。再加上2 + 6 = 8,你的人生道路数就是8 。只有当最终数字为11、22或33时,才不进行减法 , 因为它们都是主数字 。你也可以用类似的方法对你的全名进行查找 。
What are the good numbers in numerology? 命理学里的吉利数字有哪些?
There isn't a best number. However, master numbers are said to be the most influential and strongest numbers. These include 11, 22 and 33. They represent exceptional spiritual power and knowledge – something other numbers don't contain.
没有一个最好的数字 。然而,主数被认为是最有影响力和最强的数字 。其中包括11、22和33 。它们代表着非凡的精神力量和知识——这是其他数字所不包含的 。
Which is the powerful number in numerology? 哪个是命理学中最有力的数字?
The number 22 is perhaps the most powerful number in numerology. It is one of the master numbers that is believed to transform dreams into reality, regardless of how impossible the dreams appear to be.
数字22也许是数字命理学中最强大的数字 。它被认为是将梦想变为现实的主要数字之一,不管梦想看起来多么不可能 。
What does 77 mean? 77是什么意思?
The number 77 is an angel number. It is an indication that time has come to collect rewards for your effort. If you see it a lot, then it is something that should make you happy. Bear in mind that angel numbers always represent a happy meaning.
数字77是天使的数字 。这预示着你的努力该得到回报了 。如果你经常看到它,那么它应该让你快乐 。请记?。焓沟氖肿苁谴碜判腋5囊庖?。
