双语阅读|数字命理学是什么?( 五 )

Criticisms of Numerology 数字命理学批判
Some people notice numerical patterns in their daily lives, in historical records or in religious texts like the Bible. It often seems that the repetition is too frequent to be coincidental. In some cases, people have theorized that these repeating numbers have special significance or demonstrate the influence of a deity or supernatural force. Although not strictly part of numerology, this perception often assigns numerology-like attributes to the frequently appearing numbers. This has led to the 23 Enigma and other beliefs that specific numbers are at the center of a pattern or conspiracy.
有些人会在日常生活、历史记录或《圣经》等宗教文本中注意到数字模式 。通常情况下,这种重复似乎太频繁了,不可能是巧合 。在某些情况下,人们认为这些重复的数字具有特殊的意义,或者证明了神或超自然力量的影响 。虽然不是严格意义上的数字命理学的一部分,但这种看法往往赋予频繁出现的数字命理学般的属性 。这导致了23谜机和其他一些信念,即特定的数字是一个模式或阴谋的中心 。
Critics, on the other hand, dismiss such occurrences as coincidence for a number of reasons: 另一方面,批评人士认为这些事件是巧合,原因有很多:
人们善于识别模式 。虽然这有助于人们学习阅读、计数和识别面孔,但它也会鼓励人们将随机事件解释为模式 。
由于世界上圆形、方形或其他独特数字的数量很少,这些数字的重复也是不可避免的 。
These criticisms can also apply to the ancient system of numerology. For example, some practitioners say they see their birth path number everywhere, and that this confirms that numerology is real. However, according to critics, the frequent appearance is coincidental. In addition, critics point out that people are likely to remember seeing their birth date and forget seeing other numbers. In other words, a person whose birth path number is seven will remember seeing lots of sevens but will disregarding all the sixes, eights and other numbers.
这些批评也适用于古代的命理学体系 。例如,一些从业者说,他们到处都能看到自己的出生轨迹数字,这证实了命理学是真实的 。然而,据批评人士称,这种频繁的出现只是巧合 。此外,批评人士指出,人们很可能只记得自己的出生日期,而忘记看到其他数字 。换句话说,一个出生轨迹数字为7的人会记得看到过很多7,但会忽略所有的6、8和其他数字 。
But the biggest criticism of numerology is that it's based on an invented system of counting. This system was developed to allow people to count objects in groups of 10, rather than a single number.
但对数字命理学最大的批评是,它是基于一种发明的计数系统 。开发这个系统是为了让人们以10为一组来计数物体,而不是一个数字 。
However, this system, known as a base-10 system, isn't the only system of counting. Indigenous tribes in Australian, New Guinea, Africa and South America developed number systems that counted in pairs. Some societies also used base-12 and base-60, which we still use to tell time.
然而,这个被称为10进制的系统并不是唯一的计数系统 。澳大利亚、新几内亚、非洲和南美洲的土著部落开发了成对计数的数字系统 。一些社会还使用12进制和60进制,我们现在还在用它们来计时 。
In other words, numerology, like astrology, is based on an invented system that people developed to better organize the objects around them. While people often find such systems helpful on a spiritual or emotional level, there's no scientific evidence to prove that the system really works the way practitioners say it does.
换句话说 , 命理学和占星术一样,都是建立在一种发明的系统之上的,人们发明这种系统是为了更好地组织周围的物体 。虽然人们经常发现这种系统在精神或情感层面上很有帮助,但没有科学证据证明这种系统真的像从业者所说的那样有效 。
